I am dreading an upcoming 6-hour overnight flight. Will take my Gabapentin as usual. Wondering if anyone has tried using compression socks and if they provide any additional relief?
Overnight Flight Relief?: I am dreading... - Restless Legs Syn...
Overnight Flight Relief?

I find long haul flights the worst for RLS and tried sleeping tablets etc but am not on meds ...Business Class flights only solution for UK to Sydney ...but doubled in price so can't afford to visit our son at present...can manage about 4 hours max on flight...😔
Book an aisle seat so you can get up and walk around. If you belong to the Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, download the Restless Legs Syndrome Special Accommodations Card to give to the flight attendant. Otherwise be sure to talk to the flight attendant and explain that you will be walking a lot.
Where do I find this card sue? I'm going to salou in 5 weeks and I'm worried about the flight too!
If it's only for thd flight then Voltarol joint pain relief gel will probably give you some relief. It's not recommended for long term use but if you find it helps short term then you know that you can reduce your rls long term by you reducing your systemic inflammation by changing your diet
Do u have access to medicinal marijuana? I recently bought a chocolate bar at dispensary which was infused with THC. I only ate a small piece about the size of my thumb nail!! But it helped big time! My RLS subsided and I was able to sleep all night! For me , Other sleep aides like melatonin (although it works) sometimes brings on the RLS! It’s crazy.! So now I’m afraid to take melatonin. Don’t forget RLS comes on when you are at rest so if you exacerbate that feeling it gets worse! Believe me it’s happened more often than not. Anyway hopefully you are in a place that you can get?? Unfortunately for me the said chocolate I bought was from Maine, and they do not mail across state lines!! So I have to find another here in my state of New Jersey. I just recently started to experiment with the medicinal marijuana ( I didn’t like the effects) but now they have medical & recreational which is either Sativa or Indica, not sure which is which?? Do some research it is well worth it. Providing wherever you live it is legal. I do hope for you it is. I never thought I’d be saying it but there is so much out there now and people who work at dispensaries are very knowledgeable and professional! It’s a real game changer here. Good luck with everything! God knows we all need it!! RLS is a demon within our bodies I for one hate this demon!!! I wish I could do an exorcism!! Lol
Gotta laugh or we’ll all go crazy!! 🙏😊😉💤💤💤 PS I went off on a tangent & didn’t answer your question! However I also have found compression socks to “sometimes” bring on RLS . I think they might compress nerves in my feet/legs to activate it???
Yes! I wear compression tubular bandage at night, every night and it certainly helped my legs if they are in any doubt about mild symptoms. Now I'm well medicated, I find that it still helps as my legs ache if I've been on them a lot and I find it very soothing. However, we are all different as HeBgBgirl states in her post.
In the past I've used Deep Heat on long car journeys rubbed into my legs if they start to play up and that's been quite helpful some of the time. When I went to UK 10 years ago I just got up and walked around for a lot of the time (and I was wearing compression sock at the time as recommended on long flights - 26 hours); it was quite a different period in my RLS journey though and it wasn't well controlled at all. It did help though. The difficulty was the take off and landing when the pressure change seemed to turn my legs on, then you can't get up and walk around. I would try to get something from your doctor, perhaps an opioid to knock your legs out if you know what works for you. Codeine helps some, Targin is also useful.
I did read on here a few days ago that dehydration is a trigger for RLS so drink plenty of water! Take the RLS patient printed advise to show the aircrew and they will be more considerate of you walking around perhaps. Good luck!