Has anyone else noticed how when ones attention is focused on something very distracting , say a good movie or even a strong emotion like anger, that the rls will temporarily subside, also any substance that increases mental activity and alertness like caffeine or ritilin will have the same limited affect.
relief: Has anyone else noticed how... - Restless Legs Syn...

Absolutely. Distraction definitely helps. That's why I binge watch Netflix or Amazon in the middle of the night when the RLS kicks in.
I stopped all caffeine 8 months ago. Never tried Ritalin. It's presumably only available on prescription for ADHD? if it works for RLS then maybe we should all be asking for it on an "off label" basis.
Just watched big little lies at one go too! What did you think of it? X
I actually really loved it BUT Nicole Kidman's acting really annoyed me. Not sure if it is all that botox that's frozen not just her face, but also her acting. She was too simpering for me most of the time. Thought Alex Skarsgaard was brilliant as her abusive husband though. And ordered "Love & Hate", the album by Michael Kiwanaku who sang the theme tune. He is so good- takes me back to discovering Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On"
Is Ritalin not just a form of speed? I'd imagine a sedating drug would be more beneficial but I can see where the distraction would be heightened with speed, but as Joolsg says it would be off label....unless anyone knows a Mr Heisenberg?

I am not well educated on the most effective Rx for rls. but I can say that ritilin seems to work for me. In the same way it seems to slow down some hyperactive children / adults. drugs like benzo and elvill only increase my rls to its worst levels. also low dose amphetamine works quite well for me when taken before noon. so as to not cause added sleep issues. It may be something comparative to the way antihistamines will cause either a drowsy, or a nervous reaction when taken in different doses.
Me too - as far as the external stimuli are concerned. You've hit one of my nails on the head.
Watching a film/tv series - even a mildly absorbing one, which most are at my age - retunes my consciousness somehow and deflects any lingering rls-type sensations in parts of the body I don't want to have sensations. I go to sleep listening to an audio book - busy on the Jack Reacher series at the mo. Completely addicted.
I've often wondered why. Why should a mild distraction act like an rls sedative? My legs are going ten to the dozen under my computer desk, so looking at myself write is obviously not sedative enough.
Not sure about the caffeine, and know nothing about ritilin first hand.
It certainly adds to the conundrum of how wide the syndrome actually is, and whether the different nervous/physical/psychological phenomena it comprises probably have a diversity of causes (not necessarily interlinked) which require tailored therapeutic approaches and research.
I've found my leg stops twitching when I'm playing a game on my Xbox.
Only thing that works for me is walking, particularly up and down stairs or sometimes really hard massage using my knuckles.
Distraction is a good way to divert the brain away from RLS and consentrate on whatever our distraction is, i found music loud at night using a CD player and earplugs great for getting to sleep.
Absolutely !!! Just a conversation will do it for me, basically anything that distracts the brain from paying attention to the restless legs. Our latest holiday was part laying in the sun in the morning when I'm better and later when it played up we went for long walks. Holidays are not the same as they used to be eh....
No!! I can't watch a film because of my RLS!!!
I listen to music on headphones. Really works. Patti Smith. Allman Bros. Creedence Clearwater R. Jimi. This sort of music occupies my brain. But why does this help??? Does dopamine love Patti Smith?