As mentioned before, Therapulse is really helping my RLS on long haul flight to Sydney ...used it twice and able to charge it on board as well. Can't speak highly enough as although it's not a permanent cure its effects last for several hours or more. Also using CBD oil, gummies, Kalms etc...😊
Long haul flight relief!: As mentioned... - Restless Legs Syn...
Long haul flight relief!

Am so glad therapulse is helping. I will definitely take mine on flight from Heathrow to Idaho.I was interested to hear you can recharge on the flight.
can you tell me where to get Therapulse and what it is and where you apply it. I’m going on a long haul flight in February
This is the Therapulse website - but there are a zillion other brands of Tens Machines (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) out there. Hard to find an unbiased review other than affiliate websites. I think also - you need to place the pads in the right place. So, some feedback from users on just where to place pads might be helpful.
Book your flight for early in the day and book an aisle seat so you can get up and walk around and preferably an emergency exit or bulkhead. Pack activities that serve as distractions. If you belong to the Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, download the Restless Legs Syndrome Special Accommodations Card to give to the flight attendant. Otherwise be sure to talk to the flight attendant and explain that you will be walking a lot.
Can you please tell me what an RLS special accommodations card is. Does it give you certain privileges? I have a 16 hour flight coming up in April and I am not looking forward to it!
I see you mentioned ropinirole in your profile. How much are you taking and does it control your symptoms?
2 mg ropinirole and some supplements and seems to be controlling it. My flight is with a group and overnight. Sometimes the legs behave and I’m praying they will on this flight.
Thank you. I just joined the association.
That's good that your symptoms are pretty much under control, just be aware of the signs of augmentation. Have you had your ferritin checked?
not yet
Improving your ferritin to 100 or more helps 60% of people with RLS and in some cases completely eliminates their symptoms. When you see your doctor ask for a full iron panel. Stop taking any iron supplements 48 hours before the test, fast after midnight and have your test in the morning. When you get the results, ask for your ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) numbers. You want your transferrin saturation to be over 20% but less than 45% and your ferritin to be at least 100. If they are not , post them here and we can give you advice.
My husband has tried therapulse but it seemed to make it worse. Any tips on using it please
It doesn't seem to work immediately..10 mins each leg and then after seems to work..but we're all different. I used it several times on flight...on last leg Houston to Sydney I foolishly accepted champagne and had the worst RLS for ages..onlyzooicline Zopiclone sleeping tablet sent me to sleep and stopped RLS. I am my own worst enemy 😕