Hi again.This may sound silly to most people but hoping it happens to others.I have RLS and sometimes ifits really bad ,if I go to the loo and pass urine it eases it a bit.Does this happen to anyone else,even my doctor laughed at me .
Relief: Hi again.This may sound silly... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi Graciebes - Yes, urinating can help relieve the tension. I've found that virtually any tension in the body contributes to my RLS, even emotional tension. In my case, if I can control my digestive problems, I sleep much better.
I was glad when I read your post as this happens to me to. I sounds daft doesn't it. Sometimes I wake in the night due to my rls and a full bladder and as soon as I have visited the bathroom my rls seems to ease. It's such a relief when you realise your not the only one with this experience.
Hi Graciebes, there are so many variations in this condition that whether something makes sense does not really matter - it does to you. I have another condition that baffled the medics and then I found the answer for myself and suddenly everything was explained. With RLS we can start by imagining our spinal nerves are being irritated and if this includes being irritated by inter-abdominal pressure then relieving it is going to help, so just keep believing it. I give my thigh muscle a good massage to smooth out any shortened bunched up muscle but it might be the stretching it gives my back that makes the difference. Then I just stand in a neutral position (with equal pressure on all parts of both feet) until my legs feel normal again. It usually works first time, not always.
with rls, just getting up to go to the loo is all it takes for temporary relief,hopefully you can go back to sleep before symptoms reurn
Its probably the standing up an moving not the actual going to av wee that helps ! 😂
Is it not just the walk to the loo that helps. I find a walk to another room and back can relieve symptoms for a short while x