I primarily have PLMD with some RLS symptoms. Any symptoms generally manifest as leg twitching as I try to fall asleep. I normally take 1800 mg of gabapentin which generally controls my symptoms. Some nights I also take 0.5 mg of ropinerol. Last week I had knee surgery to repair a torn quad tendon. My PLMD/RLS has become much worse in the last 4 days with the damn leg twitching starting in the evening while I read or watch TV. In the first few days after the surgery I had no symptoms, most likely because I was on 5 mg of oxycontin every 6 hours. I'm wondering what experience others have had with their PLMD/RLS symptoms after surgery.
PLMD/RLS is worse after knee surgery? - Restless Legs Syn...
PLMD/RLS is worse after knee surgery?

No changes after surgery .
It can happen. Most people react badly to the anti emetic included on the anaesthetic. There are RLS safe versions but you need to tell them in advance.Also, any surgery can interfere with dopamine passing up the spinal cord.
Hopefully it will settle.
Try splitting your gabapentin dose as anything over 600mg is not absorbed fully.
Try 600mg at 7pm, 600mg at 9pm amd 600mg before bed.
I hope it settles.
Thanks. I wish I would have mentioned the RLS in pre-op but I had other things on my mind. I already split the gabapentin but the split is 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 (based on trail and error this seems best for me). I thought maybe the blood loss might have effected my ferritin levels. Will find out in a week when I get my next blood tests. My initial symptoms started shortly after I donated blood in 2018 but this could have been coincidental. Prior to that the only reason I knew I had PLMD was from a sleep study. Now I would never get to sleep without meds.
I thought I would follow up on my original post. My RLS/PLM was quite a bit worse for about a month after my surgery. I'm happy to report that my symptoms are now back to pre-surgery levels. Next time I will remember to talk to the anesthesiologist about any antiemetics they plan to use.
I have RLS and very significant PLMD. I had surgery with implantation of a nail (rod) held in place with a bolt and screws for a broken femur trochanter several weeks ago, and, beginning in the hospital while taking Oxycodone 0.5 mg, started having what I presume is an extreme RLS/PLMD involuntary spasm (not cramping)/"jumping" of my whole leg that had the surgery. I'm off Oxycodone now, with continuing physical therapy and progressively improving mobility but am using higher doses of Ropinirole with doctor's permission. The severe spasms vary in frequency, some days with virtually none, but the RLS/PLMD is interfering with my sleep. I think it's too far out from surgery for the anesthesia to be a factor. I even wonder if there's possible nerve damage from the implantation of the metal in the bone.