Hello all. Those of you who have been following/responding to my posts for a while, my sh1tty luck continues. Basically, last week I was rushed by ambulance to a spinal unit hospital for emergency lumbar disc decompression. The surgeon said my lower spine and Cauda Equina were a mess. One disc was stuck to the Cauda Equina and took 3 hrs to separate. A couple of my friends have asked if this procedure could help my RLS//PLMD. I’ve not had the eebiejeebies for 6 weeks now but I’m rammed full of morphine, OR, could the surgery have had a positive outcome on the Rls/plmd? TIA my lovelies.
Could surgery improve RLS/PLMD? - Restless Legs Syn...
Could surgery improve RLS/PLMD?

Sorry about your situation - hope all goes well during recovery.
I imagine any latent RlS in your system is being totally overwhelmed by painkillers. You may well be on Fentanyl.
It's when you are being weaned off those high doses that the restlessness will return.
Just enjoy the relief, while you can!😆🤕
When you review your medication, post op, you could make a play for some sort of opioid medicine, because of the "excruciating pain" you will be in after the operation.
At least - that's how I did it!😆☘️😎
I suspect it is the morphine. Surgery to the spine often is a trigger for much worse RLS. These are my notes: There have been many anecdotal reports of patients developing RLS (or having very significant worsening of their pre-existing mild RLS) after surgery or trauma to their back. The most common link seems to be with lumbar laminectomy surgery (possibly due to the fact that this is one of the most common back surgeries), but even cervical (neck) surgery seems to be a not uncommon trigger of this type of RLS. Https://rlshelp.org/ Treatment section
Lesions on the spinal cord as a result of damage or injury have been linked to RLS. Having had anesthesia to the spinal cord, such as a spinal block, also increases the risk of developing RLS.
yes to both questions I have multiple Prolapse discs in my lumber One tilted with nerve root impingement,spondylitis ,spinal stenosis and Ligamentum Flavum, sciatica down both sides of my bum and legs. In my cervical spine L3 I have nerve root impingement also . I was referred to the spinal surgeons for both by my Chronic pain consultant who I have been under now for several years because the latest MRI on my lower back showed further deterioration which also now affects both my bladder and bowel I have guided cordial epidurals which should be carried out every 6 months but due to current strains on the NHS I had to wait for 14 months for my last one they normally start to wear off after 5 months gradually I also had a nerve block done in my neck which was not successful the Spinal consultant came back with No surgery intervention but did not give any explanation to why , I have RLS in both legs which is chronic I also have osteoarthritis in all joints except my hips I had a total right knee replacement 4 months ago and have had surgery in both my feet the latest was 7 weeks ago on my foot , I have now been referred back to Physio which is where I started 10 years ago when I started having chronic pain on several joints I was sent to a rheumatologist who diagnosed Fybro but it turned out after I had suffered years of painful joints that I have severe osteoarthritis every where I have steroid injections in my hand , both thumb joints are really painful my fingers have twisted and I have bone spurs coming on all my finger joints and toe joints the steroid injections definitely work and take away the pain but I am slowly losing the grip in both of my hands now altogether last year I had 5 operations and 3 MRI ‘s , I am sleep deprived because as soon as I sit or lay down the RLS kicks off o also have pins and needles across my neck and cervical area and across both shoulders and down my arms I also occasionally experience RLS in both my arms I am currently on Ropinole 1mg recently it has been escalating i have absolutely no quality of life I am up and down all night and as I write this now I have not even been to bed as the RLS has been going all night when it’s really bad it makes me feel I can’t continue living like this I am up against a brick wall now and if they think you have Fybro they just say it all down to that even when they have the MRI report that show I have all these problems in my spine they use the Fybro and blame everything on that and of don’t take you seriously , my knee was bone to bone and my leg had turned outwards it was only when I had a bad fall as my knee just kept giving way and it was stiff swollen and extremely painful that they took an X-ray then I had a MRI then I was fast tracked to a surgeon who put a camera in my knee which showed extensive OA within 6 weeks they had me in for a total knee replacement and 6 weeks later they operated on my right foot my leg is now so much better with the new knee but it is still very swollen and my leg is not straight they did the best they could in surgery I still have knee pain as it’s early days and my left knee is also deteriorating I am at my wits end with it all when I was on Morphine after the surgery I did find it helped with the RLS but not every night it was hit and miss but I am sure the surgery you had on your back releasing the compression has been the real reason your RLS has stopped . I have not been given any surgical options only physio which does absolutely nothing out of all the pain and joint problems it’s the RLS which is destroying any quality of life I could have all the back consultant came back with was more pills want gabapentin or pregabalin all which carry weight gain I know so many people who have taken these medications and have put on not just pounds but several stones in weight and the the hospital tells them it because they are overweight that they have problems with their backs I am already on controlled drugs for the pain I am in the process of contracting PALS to see if they can help me at least get an explanation to why the surgical team have refused to intervene even though it has caused problems with my bowel and bladder including sciatica which also prevents me driving for any length of time . I am glad you have had successful surgery and relief from the restless legs there such little knowledge and treatments available and I feel it is trivialised too by the medical professionals when In fact it’s a complete nightmare for everyone who has the misfortune to suffer from it .
I wish you well Kind regards
doodles. I am astounded to read your story. Just astounded and so sorry life has come to this for you. I just want to cry with you which I know won’t stop your suffering but I am at a loss as to what more I could say. All the love and hope that soon, someone will kick this bastard disease out of all our lives.x
Thank you for your response Doodles (and everyone else) I think I need to read them again when I’ve had less Morphine!
Although many people find that operations can initiate or aggravate RLS it’s not a given and if you are having surgery to rectify a serious “mess” as you say with your lower spine then hopefully the nerves will be in a better state now (or eventually )which might be positive for your RLS. Fingers crossed.