Hi, I know what is that, I mean, whenever I make excercises, I have terrible problems to sleep. And normally I do sport once or twice a week from 16;00 till 18:00. I don‘t know why exercises makes it worst for us who suffer of RLS. I used to take magnesium, believing that it could help, but as I never noticed any change, I stopped. The only thing I have been doing recently, when my nights are terrible, is to change position in the bed, put the legs up for at least 30 minutes and then I try to sleep again.
RLS and Exercising: Hi, I know what is... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS and Exercising

Hi & welcome,Exercise can make RLS worse so try doing aerobic exercise in the mornings or early afternoon.
Also ensure serum ferritin is above 100, preferably 250 and check you're not taking any meds that worsen RLS like antidepressants or sedating anti histamines or Proton Pump Inhibitors used for acid stomach.
Studies have shown magnesium doesn't help RLS but some people report that it does. It's never made any difference to my RLS.
If RLS persists after you've raised serum ferritin above the required levels then you should consider seeing a doctor to consider meds. Pregabalin is the new preferred starting medication.
Walking is poison for my legs. I can only walk through one store, a second one afterwards is already too much for my legs and RLS hell breaks loose.
Moderate exercise is what is needed. After strenuous tasks then my RLS gets worse but alternatively, if I'm up a lot at night then I use a vibration plate machine for 5-10 mins and that exercise on my legs helps me to sleep.
I've never found excersise to affect my rls. Your nutrition or hydration could be causing it. I eat a low carb diet and fuel my body on fat and hydrate with a zero cal drink (usually High5).
Mee too! I drink lots of water, no coca-cola or this type of drinks, I don‘t have often pasta (carb), I eat well, lots of protein, I am active and slim.
I also don’t eat too much carbohidrat. I eat lots of meat, fish and I am slim. I don’t think, RLS is rekated to the nutrition. My mother and my grandmother suffered of it as well. My mother got weight after her 50’s and my grandmother had a super healthy nutrition (she was vegetarian) and had RLS her whole life.
Aerobic exercise is a killer for me and in fact any ‘busy’ day results in a bad night. I attended a lecture at the annual RLS meet in London and the lady had made a study of exercise and RLS. She recommended anaerobic exercise and actually specified, surprisingly, 5-7pm as being the best time of day for exercise,
But I suppose, that this time she suggested fir exercising, is based in a person who goes to tbe bed also in a certain time, no? Everyone is different. I myself have the bad habit to go late to the bed and consequently sleep late. Anyway, when I go to my fisioterapie, that is my ‚fitness‘, I go around 16:00 and stay there until 18:00. That is between the time you mentioned.
BMI 21