Following on from the information over the last year or so about the gut biome/ Michael Mosleys book and tv programme, in an effort to se if it helped my RLS, or improved my sleep / general health, I decided to try some bimuno power every night - it is a prebiotic that Mosely took and helped him sleep better, as well as improving his beneficial gut bacteria. Within a few days my legs got worse, so I stopped. I left it for a few weeks, then tried again, and again it made my legs worse so I have had to stop it. Then last week I started drinking Kefir, which is a synbiotic - mixture of both pre- and probiotic - and again I think it slightly worsened my legs. I cant understand why this would happen except that the FODMAP diet is all about decreasing certain foods, some of which are supposed to be very good prebiotics, and I do know that the diet does help RLS in some people - not me, but clearly there is something there.
So, has anyone had this experience of prebiotics worsening their legs, even though they are supposed to be really healthy for us?