For those interested, here is an explanation of the differences between CBD derived from hemp, and CBD derived from the marijuana plant. The internet has lots of interesting information.
Clarification on using CBD: For those... - Restless Legs Syn...
Clarification on using CBD

Ive been using the same brand CBD cream 400 mgs (sometimes 800 mgs) derived from the bud for 2 yrs now and get no high whats so ever. It works within a few minutes on my surgical shoulders, painful neck and back injuries. I highly recommend it. But dont thing youre going to get a high from it. The only way to get a high is if you purchase a product that states it has THC. If you have questions, talk to someone who is a regular user of the product. Not everything you read is true.
I am a regular user and you must have THC to achieve the best results. Try looking up entourage effect for full spectrum CBD. You are applying it topically. No problem with that but you are comparing apples and oranges. I have been using a 33% THC tincture for 2 months and I do not get "high". My RLS is, essentially, now so rare it is almost gone
Thats great that your rls symptoms are almost gone. I'm just letting folks know that not all CBD has THC or its side effects. Not all pain issues need THC to be complete.
We're all different even with how RLS effects us and how we respond to treatments.
I've found for my severe rls THC is the primary drug needed to the secondary CBD, whether it be an edible, tincture or wax.
I hope the tincture continues to work for you!
It's not just me it works for. Another person I know has had the same results. Another friend has severe gout and it acts up if he skips a dose. Another friend has Parkinson's like tremors (not Parkinson's) and it has stopped his tremors. A fourth friend has a rod the full length of his spine and he has noticed that he isn't as stiff in the morning when he gets out of bed. I'm not going to argue with you because I have seen the results with my own eyes within my small circle of friends. And what side effects? I guarantee you that there are far fewer than prescription drugs.
I think you've misunderstood my original reply. Some people freak out, especially those older than the baby boomers over THC, they dont know enough and have been mislead through news and media that THC is bad while pharmaceutical drugs are good. I disagree with the article you posted that ALL CBD has THC in it. Id hate to see folks NOT try CBD/cannabis because of misleading articles thinking theyre going to get high off CBD. CBD might be their first step using cannabis. I would encourage folks to do their due diligence and speak to someone whos been using cannabis products for decades. I AGREE cannabis is the better choice for treatments than pharmaceutical drugs and has less side effects if any, depending the person, strength and the length of use. I wish continued success with cannabis and RLS.
Hey, I just created an account to ask you some more questions! I have RLS too and I started taking some oil I bought from a shop a few towns over from me. It’s a full spectrum and I got it from if that helps, I don’t know if it makes any difference on branding. Did I get the right thing? It seems to be helping at the moment but it’s only been a week so I’m not sure if it’s a placebo, after looking up this I think maybe not! How are you getting on with your oil now like a month on? It doesn’t have a lot of THC in as it’s illegal here but it seems to be alright.
Either way, I think it’s helping my anxiety so either way I’m gonna keep taking it but hoping to kill two birds with one stone 😅
Thank you for your input
H xx
If it works for you that's all that matters. It's accumulative thing so will just keep working better and better. Yes, full-spectrum is what you want because you need some THC for the magic to happen. I have been using it since March 15 and I can honestly say that my RLS is something I used to have.
Hi, Whippetmama,
I know you mentioned that you use 33% THC tincture.
Which brand do you use? And is there a special name for
your tincture?
I am using NuLeaf CBD oil. Has not stopped
my RLS but has significantly reduced anxiety, especially on the mornings I am a little sleep deprived. So I am def curious about using a tincture w/ some THC in it!
Thanks very much