Hi fellow sufferers - I promised an update on my use of full-spectrum CBD oil. For those of you who missed my previous post, full-spectrum CBD oil is made from the entire marijuana plant, not hemp, and it does contain THC because studies have shown (many, many studies) that THC is the active ingredient in CBD. The amount of THC in the oil does not have a psychotropic effect on most people even though it seems like it should. The percentage in the oil I use is 33% and as a regular user of marijuana, I can tell you that I do not feel even a buzz from it. Anyway, after a little more than a month of use, I can tell you this. I am having days and nights without experiencing RLS. If I feel as if I am going to have an episode, I take Tramadol and that does the trick. I have gone as long as 5 days without an episode and before this, I was living with 24/7 RLS. My dose of the oil is roughly 1 ml but that is an individual thing - some take less, others more. I have a friend who has tremors. The doctors have told him that it is not Parkinson's but have never been able to give him a diagnosis. But for the first time in over 40 years his hands no longer shake. This stuff is impressive. I am fortunate to live in Mexico where it is legal and if any other members of this group live here, I can hook you up. If you live in a state where marijuana is legal, please give this a try. AND NO SIDE EFFECTS!!
Update on full spectrum CBD - Restless Legs Syn...
Update on full spectrum CBD

I am delighted for you. I use it here in the UK but it is illegal. It helps but is expensive. I’m lucky that my daughter’s friend grows organic cannabis and knows how to make the CBD oil.
I really hope all countries legalise it soon.
Hi Jools. Could I buy the oil from her?x
Delighted for you.xx
So, I recently purchased some Full Spectrum Hemp Extract. which I believe is taken from the whole hemp plant, including the flower. and it does contain a small amount of THC. small enough to be legal I guess.
I'm going to try taking it for a month and see if what effect it has on me.
I am delighted to hear how well Full Spec. CBD oil is working for you. I'm hoping the Full Spec. Hemp Extract will work as well.
So - I've been using full spectrum CBD from NuLeaf, and it might be working but it has 0% THC. Where oh where can I get the full spectrum with the THC? I'm thinking of adding some pot to the oil and just let it marinate in there.
There are a bunch of YouTube videos that show you how to extract the oil from the plant. I hope hemp works for those of you trying it, but research is not on your side. The THC is necessary to bind to the endocannabinoid receptors in your system. That is what does the trick. But I think that there are some who have received a modicum of relief from low THC products. I think it must be dependent on your level of sensitivity.
Thanks for posting this and I'm so happy to read of your positive experience which mirrors others I have read of taking whole plant cannabis for RLS. In my RLS-induced lawlessness I am growing my own supply of cannabis purely to treat my RLS and the accompanying insomnia. I make an oil by steeping the cannabis buds (after decarboxylation) in coconut oil overnight in a slow cooker. Is this the same as your cannabis oil? Unfortunately, it doesn't have much impact on my RLS though it's great for insomnia. I understand that effectiveness is very strain specific. Do you know what strain of cannabis is used in your oil?
I honestly don't know the process they use to make the oil I use. It is grape flavored :). IT IS 1000 mgs oil in a 30 ml bottle, or a THC strength of 33%. I take 1 ml sub-lingually as needed. Kicks in in about 20-30 minutes and (when needed) the tramadol about 30 minutes after that. I've also got some brownies that I get from another source and a very small piece of that (when needed) and I have a solid nights sleep. My RLS was present 24/7. I often woke up with it in the morning and it continued all day and into the night, so I am so grateful that I don't have to take that nasty levo/carbid anymore.
I too supplement my cocktail of drugs - Co Codamol, Pramipexole and Clonazepam, with a FECO (full extract cannabis oil) and I can honestly say that I have slept EVERY night since I started on this. Living where I do it is not easy to obtain but it has been a godsend. I take the capsule about 3 hours before I go to bed because it needs to be digested first and the only side effects are that after about 3 hours, if I'm not in bed, my legs go a bit wobbly. I wouldn't take them during the day so am looking for something less potent for my Osteoarthritis pain during the day. Those of you that live in countries where it is legal shouldn't hesitate to give it a try, in my opinion. Good luck!