One of the most common complaints we hear about from people living with RLS is that there isn't enough research being conducted into causes, treatments etc.
A piece of research is being conducted by the University of St Mark & St John in Plymouth, looking at RLS and Pregnancy. So far, 226 women have completed the survey but we need many, many more to make the research valid and to support a grant application to carry out further research. So, we are depending on you to help us. It would be a terrible shame for this research not to progress because of lack of support from the very people it is trying to help. The survey takes about 5 minutes and is completely anonymous.
If you live in the UK and have ever experienced RLS during a pregnancy, at any point in your life, please complete the survey.
The purpose of the survey is to gather information from women suffering from RLS during pregnancy (current or past pregnancies) to shape an intervention to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life during and after pregnancy.
Please visit the link below to help us.