In my search for relief I was asked if I had tried essential oils. Has anyone here tried this therapy? I looked it up online and there are some suggestions for using essential oils for RLS.
Essential oils: In my search for relief... - Restless Legs Syn...
Essential oils

Hi Yakester.. Yes - I use essential oils for many things... I love them. Sometimes, things like lavender can help if inhaled to calm down RLS. Try a site like Do Terra or Mountain Rose Herbs (I have NO connection with either, other than being a certified herbalist) for information on all of the essential oils and what they can do. Just be aware of how to use them correctly. Most EOs are too strong to use on your skin without diluting them. Try looking for things like nervines for calming effects.
I have used peppermint oil with coconut oil as my carrier. I put this behind my knees. Seems to give me some relief. hope it’s helps you! Make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water and minimal refined sugar.
No, but I just ordered some Mag spray to see if that helps...I doubt it could hurt!
I love my essential oils. I use lemongrass with carrier coconut oil. When my RLS was starting to happen more often this oil stopped it almost instantaneous. I also used serenity oil on the back of my neck. Unfortunately as RLS got worse the lemongrass didn’t help as much. My RLS advanced to 24 hours a day, so out of desperation I went on Requip. I have “breakthrough” RLS., but refuse to up my dose. I use all my other “remedies” until it is time to take Requip. Requip used to help me sleep most of the night, at first, but started waking up after 3 hours and couldn’t get back to sleep. Now I use medical marijuana gummies with a small amount of THC and high CBD to help me sleep. I just bought a marijuana tincture of 1 to 1 ratio (Indica) to use instead of Requip. “Medical and recreation marijuana is legal in my state this year”. Some states medical marijuana is legal with a card through the state.
I’ve tried them. They really are sort of soothing (I was skeptical in case that isn’t apparent) but not hugely effective against a full blown rls attack.
Epsom salts dissolved in water make a very cheap magnesium spray (1 part salts to equal part water). You can add essential oils to it too for extra pleasure/relief. I like to add lavender oil.