Has anyone else on the forum been diagnosed with ADHD on top of their RLS and has Ritalin helped the RLS eventually or am I going down another dark path?
Do the side effects of Ritalin wain over time?
I finally saw a psychiatrist 3 days ago.
I explained to him I’ve been suffering from RLS for 10 years. I was hoping to trial methadone as my low dose Temgesic has not been effective. I’ve been relying on orgasms late in the night (with a little extra temgesic afterwards) in order to get me to sleep but this is proving more and more difficult and the resulting orgasm is less effective as the symptoms start to return before getting to sleep.
The psychiatrist asked who diagnosed me with RLS. I told him about the matching criteria for RLS and that it was agreed to be RLS by my original doctor. I had trouble reciting all of the 5 criteria but ended with saying that it could not be explained by any other condition.
He then gave me a form to fill out. He folded the top before giving it to me. The diagnosis criteria sounded very familiar and I became very emotional answering the questions and broke down before the end. When I finished he told me to unfold the top and read it to him. It said ADHD (adult assessment) After going through further criteria he then diagnosed me with Severe Adult ADHD.
It seems to explain a lot of my problems over the years, even before RLS. Ive probably been suffering it for most of my life. (Later I looked online and discovered a definite link between ADHD and RLS.)
He then referred me back to the RLS criteria I mentioned and pulled me up on the last one that states: “there is no underlying condition present to explain it”.
In other words I guess he was saying that if I treat the ADHD I’ll treat the RLS.
He then prescribed me Ritalin 10 (10mg) starting with half a tablet twice a day before titrating up to 1 tablet three times a day. I had lots of questions but couldn’t think of them at the time.
He said this would be a ‘game changer’ and in 4 weeks should start to see a change.
But now that I’m not so sure. Since the appointment my RLS has been worse, extending to other parts of my body and not allowing me any sleep in the morning which is my only relief. Was still taking Temgesic/clonazepam although he wants me to come off them. The last Ritalin tablet is supposed to be taken at 8pm under his instructions so it seems I’m supposed to go the night without anything else. I tried 5mg of oxycodone last night in desperation and things seem to settle for a while and I almost slept then all sudden both legs began jerking and spasming. Out of desperation I ended up taking half a Ritalin tablet and the sensations stopped in one leg so I took another half and eventually they both settled with the help of a cold pack on one thigh. I couldn’t sleep but I was at least relatively comfortable..
However, my left arm eventually became restless with pain/stiffness. I had to ice that too. Whenever my mind seems to drift towards sleep something always jerks me back awake.
The Ritalin seems to ease my symptoms but it appears to have side effects such as insomnia amongst other things. Also, the RLS seems more pronounced and moves around my legs, feet and arms. I’ve now gone 3 nights without sleep. I cannot continue going without any sleep despite whatever benefits Ritalin may have in terms of my mental state.
Apologies for the long winded story.