Awhile ago Dic Carlton recommended the Adrenal Cocktail as something very helpful with sleep, especially if one wakes up in the night and cannot get back to sleep, being wide awake. To keep this short, it is (and you can look this up) about 8 oz. orange juice, 1/4 tsp. Himalayan pink salt, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar. This supplies the electrolytes, with there being a balance of potassium and sodium. Take 2 times per day.
This helps to calm the adrenal glands, which are the glands that are supposed to settle down so you can sleep at night, but often are way too active during the night (out of balance/circadian rhythm).
My own experience with the Adrenal Cocktail is this: I used it and some other things, and have been enjoying sleep for some time. BUT, then, I slacked off, and POW, the waking up in the middle of the night started again. After a few nights of this, I went down to my kitchen, made up the Adrenal Cocktail and was able to get back to a good sleep. So, while my other amino acids (posted before) help with getting tired at night and getting TO sleep, the Adrenal Cocktail is imperative in not waking up with a jolt in the night.
AND, I will tell you that when I had (before as well as recently) the night wake ups, that is when my RLS acted up rather badly. Not right away, but after I had been awake for about an hour. The RLS is not the thing that woke me up, the wakefulness is what stimulated the RLS. Not a- which- came -first sort of thing --the wakefulness definitely came first. (At least for me.)
So, this was my inadvertent experiment. Dic, you were right - -it's not one and done, there are often several approaches needed as there can be several things that cause a problem, even in one person. (I think that's what you meant.) Yes, I still have RLS, but it is very minimal when it is not overstimulated by middle of the night wakefulness.
I suggest anyone with sleep issues, give the Adrenal Cocktail a try! It is inexpensive, does not taste bad at all, and easy to get the ingredients. I'm sold on it. has the recipe as well as great info. also great info.