I started using it a few weeks ago and it is marvelous - just the thing I needed. There are a few variations out there, but basically it is sodium and potassium for helping the adrenals which are stressed, not functioning properly (one of the problems they cause, which is pertinent on this site, is insomnia, problems with sleeping!) One website that explains it and has a recipe (there are many others as well) is healthyhappybeautiful.com.
The reason I am posting this is because so many of us on here have had sleeping problems, myself included. It seems people are blaming RLS as the only cause, and fixing the RLS as the only solution. CONSIDER that this thinking is perhaps backward - or at least that these various problems can work back and forth at irritating each other. (Which comes from one of the books I have read.) SO, I decided some time ago to address my sleeping problem, and see what happens. Accordingly, sleep problems can be caused by many things - stress, snoring-your own or someone else's, trauma, sleep apnea, shift work, work or relationship stress, illness, continuous noise, hormonal issues, being a caregiver for someone else during the night, crisis, RLS, all sorts of things. Remember, people who don't have RLS get sleep problems. You can have more than one cause and one can set off another. As this CONTINUES it gets worse and worse, causing DISRUPTION in the body's systems. RLS is not the only cause, even in a person with RLS.
Internally, what seems to be happening is the adrenals get stressed, overstressed and do not function properly, which upsets the balance of other glands and hormones that are integral for SLEEP, your circadian rhythm and HPA get thrown off, and this goes round and round and you get locked into this pattern. You will have to look more of this up on your own. I have posted about this before, but look it up.
SO, here is an analogy one should consider, whereby just trying to fix the RLS is not necessarily going to help the sleep problems. Suppose you were driving along and got a flat tire. In getting your car off the road you drove over a pot hole, and thus damaged your muffler. Eventually you got your spare tire on. The flat tire was the initial CAUSE of how your muffler got damaged, but fixing the flat tire will NOT fix your muffler. You need to fix it itself.
Thus is my proposal that sleep problems that have gone on for some time have become a separate issue, and thus have to be addressed separately. In my own experience, as I have been working on my sleep problems (and they were BAD - not being able to get to sleep; getting the sleep-compromising second wind late in the evening; waking up suddenly, wide awake, sometimes with anxiety, for 2 or 3 hours before being able to get back to sleep; mind racing - can't turn off; having this happen 3 to 5 times a week; getting on average only about 4 or 5 hours of sleep, much of it disturbed, fretful, not refreshing deep sleep.) My latest bout of this has been for the last 6 years (caused by trauma) tho I have had a tendency for this since menopause, and before that anything particularly disruptive in my life. But never as bad or as lasting as the last 6 years.
So, once again, I will recommend anyone with sleep problems check out the above adrenal cocktail, look into Dr. Julia Ross's book The Mood Cure for a wonderful explanation of sleep in chapter 12, and here's another website, youralternativedoctor.com. There is a lot of info out about this if one knows what one is looking for.
AND I have found as I am having success with addressing my sleep problems (this takes time and some experimentation and is not a quick fix) my RLS has settled down so much, that on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being worst) now it is only about 1/2 to 1. Whereas in the past it could be over 10 - ready to jump out the window.
Sometimes, it is a good idea to view things from the other way around.