I just wanted to share that I slept last night 8 and a half hours with no iron tablets!
Woke up as usual around 1am and thought better take the iron bisglycinate but didn't need to cause fell asleep while thinking about it!
I walk week days around 5/6k. I do take turmeric, folic acid, b12 in the morning then calcium+vitd and magnesium in the afternoon. I did cut out all the cafeine/chocolate/alcohol too. Wonder it is all food related??! I have now been free from prami for 3 weeks! Feeling like a new person! :))
So I hope I inspire everyone that thinking/trying to come off from prami. There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel
Long it may continue.
Again thank you all for giving me a hand on my journey! I couldn't do this without you. !