Hi I watched the Channel 5 programme and was shocked at how severe the symptoms of RLS are for some people. I was put on medication and it caused me to have restless legs at night in bed. I take a couple of paracetamol tablets and my legs calm down. It might be worth a try it works for me.
RLS Channel 5 programme: Hi I watched... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS Channel 5 programme

Someone posted here years ago that a good test of the difference between rls and neuropathy was paracetamol!
So- what I'm reckoning , is that if the rls is a reaction to a trigger- then paracetamol may well work.
I'd be interested if anyone has comments on this.
Thanks for posting!☺
Hi I was put on an anti depressant after I was in a car crash and this caused restless legs at night. It did say on the information leaflet that an uncommon symptom to the med can be restless legs. Thankfully the paracetamol works for this.
hi Laura,
Just out of interest, what was the med that caused the RLS and are you still on it?
it may work ( paracetamol ) in the early stages ,but as you get older it may either go away or get worse .
Interesting. I'm on 8 paracetomol a day for ME and Fibro (amongst other meds) and it makes no difference whatsoever to my RLS. What works for some doesn't for others.xx