I may have for once have fallen asleep and missed it but was there ever any feed back from Channel 5 to the critisisim to their appaling documentary? I am still angry that any non sufferer who watched will be thinking we must all be a bunch of loony tunes.
Channel 5 Documentary: I may have for... - Restless Legs Syn...
Channel 5 Documentary

I watched it, too - what a shower of self-centred prats, wallowing in self-pity. Did get a quiet chuckle at the man who said he'd broken three bones, and fractured another two!
Bloody Hell !!!! Can't imagine anyone watched it again. A pile of Shite if I ever saw it.
Is that the documentary re RLS that was on a few months ago? I was really disappointed, as it didn't represent anyone with RLS like me so there's no way I could expect anyone to understand what RLS is like for me by watching that.
Yes. it was so bad and did not show how things are for most of us.
The only accurate part of it for me was when the guy caused himself pain to take away the sensations, as I've found giving the tops of my thighs a good thump also takes away the creepy crawly/itchy under the skin sensation, but only temporarily. Other than that, I did start to wonder if they really had RLS or something else.