I am on Mirapex(pramipexole) 3.4 to 1mg. I would like to get off Mirapex but my doctor in a GP and is not sure what I should do. Could I go to gabapentin but what about MG and how do I do that if someone could help me. Mirapex is not working that well Thank you: Able
Pramipexole: I am on Mirapex... - Restless Legs Syn...
Able,when you come off Mirapex you will more than likely get severe withdrawal which will make your restless legs symptoms severe,The dose you have been taking is too high and way over the new recommended dose of only 2x 0.088 pills a day,Would your doctor prescribe you some strong painkillers to help you as you do the withdrawal.Some people manage to do it using Tramadol,Many then stay on Tramadol as their daily RLS treatment.Gabapebtin is normally started at a low dose,then you build it up.How much depends on how you react,side effects ,your age etc,If I remember Able you are in your 80s.Tell your GP to go to the RLS -Uk website to read up on the subject, if he doesn't know what to do he/she should contact a Neurologist or Sleep Doctor with RLS knowledge and find out! Otherwise he should refer you to a specialist, good luck let us know how you go on ...Pippins x
Able, Pippins gave you the BEST advise possible. I use a Tramadol and have been on it for five yrs. My dose is the lowest of only 50mgs. per pill and I only take one before bed. Just also be aware that it doesn't work for everyone, but when it does, it's such a relaxant and has no side effects that I know of. Good luck to you. I just learned that TRAMADOL can be taken up to 400mgs per day or 300mgs for seniors over 65. By all means try it, you can't loose anything except maybe the RLS and Pains if you have them.
I don't think gabapentin by its self would help
ask your DR. about the neuro patch. I started at 1mg not strong enough. now on 3mg patch . change every 24 hours working great. no more sleeping aides. took a while to be able to sleep. now use gaephentun 600 mg in the morning and 600 mg at night and magnesium at night. sleeping very well now. good luck. this works wonderful for me. neverfelt so good.
thank you I see my doctor tomorrow
I forgot to mention if no one else has that GABAPENTIN makes you gain weight, lots of it and very quickly . I got off of it after gaining 25 lbs in a month a a half and lost it as soon as I stopped taking it. I had to take 1800mg in order for it to work and you have to build up to the amount you might need, it takes a while to build up into your system.