My GP did switch me over to extended release but it only comes in the name brand Mirapex and my insurance won't cover name brands so the cost is $400 for a month supply so that's not and option I can't afford it. So I left a message for my GP to see if there is another drug we can use, If anyone knows of another drug please let me know.
Can't afford extended Release Pramipe... - Restless Legs Syn...
Can't afford extended Release Pramipexole

The following list is taken from wikipedia.
Agonists of full/unknown efficacy[edit]
Apomorphine (Apokyn) (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Bromocriptine (Parlodel) (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Cabergoline (Dostinex) (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Ciladopa (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Dihydrexidine (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Dinapsoline (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Doxanthrine (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Epicriptine (Similar to those of Bromocriptine) (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Lisuride (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Pergolide (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome) (Permax) - Removed from the market in the USA March 29, 2007.[6]
Piribedil (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Pramipexole (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome) (Mirapex and Sifrol)
Propylnorapomorphine (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Quinagolide (Norprolac) (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Ropinirole (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome) (Requip)
Rotigotine (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome) (Neupro)
Roxindole (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Sumanirole (Dopamine Agonist for Parkinson's disease/Restless leg syndrome)
Some, such as fenoldopam, are selective for dopamine receptor D1.[7]
End of wikipedia quote.
I wonder if Sifrol would be okay that is a generic - I don't know if they make a prolonged release version.
Other Dopamine agonists that one sees very often in this forum include Ropinirole, Rotigotine, Requip, Neupro. Most of the others one never sees mentioned.
A link about Sifrol
In which it says
What is Sifrol?
Sifrol is a medicine that contains the active substance pramipexole. It is available as ‘immediate-release’ white tablets (round: 0.088, 0.7 and 1.1 mg; oval: 0.18 and 0.35 mg) and as ‘prolonged-release’ white tablets (round: 0.26 and 0.52 mg; oval: 1.05, 1.57, 2.1, 2.62 and 3.15 mg). Immediate-release tablets release the active substance immediately, and prolonged-release tablets release it slowly over a few hours
There are two others that I know of that may work, Requip and Sinnemt. Is there a reason you can't take regular mirapex?
Because of the many post I received after I posted I was taking 1mg 3 times a day. I was in formed by many posts that 1mg is a high dose because it can cause augmentation and the new recommended dose for Pramipexole is .25mg and I was increased to 1mg three times a day and even 1mg a day can cause augmentation. But the time release is a low dose and it works without causing augmentation and the highest slow release dose is 1.05 mgs.
My Insurance won't pay for name brands and slow release only comes in mirapex the name name brand. And that cost $400.00 a month
I think there is a version of the generic "Sifrol" that is prolonged or extended or whatever. This should be rather cheaper.
Thanks I'll will look into it. xx
Try magnesium oil it's amazing for RSL.
Pramipexole's extended release is the same as taking them more often. So if your doctor approves, you could divide up your pills throughout the day/night.