rls are you soposed to get really sharp pains down the back of the legs starting in the buttocks all day and all night
does anybody else get pains right dow... - Restless Legs Syn...
does anybody else get pains right down the back of the legs with rls they start in the buttocks really painfull to sit anylonger than 10 min

No I dont get that,could it be sciatica? Do you get the urge to move alongside of that pain?
It sounds like sciatica too me too.
I'm also going to go with sciatica. If so, it could go away on its own after 3 - 5 days. If not, or the pain is really bad, you might need a muscle relaxer and/or anti-inflammatory. Depending on the severity and duration, physical therapy might also be required. I used to get sciatica a few times a year, vertebrae kept slipping underneath another one. Finally got on gabapentin and PT for three months and haven't had it since (about two years ago). Did you recently injure your back? I hope this is a mild case that resolves itself soon. You could probably find some stretches online. Good luck.
I get this and I am told it is compression on the nerves at the lumber region of the spine - really hard to deal with. When the restless legs star t as well I am hopping about half the night what a nightmare
I don't get any, what I would call pain, just a sensation like an electric current passing through where ever it is passing. I get very few twinges when I am taking Pramipexole. However if I stop taking this drug then I get twinges up both legs and down both arms simultaneously with about 15 second gaps between twinges varying down to about one every couple of minutes Sleep is impossible but there is no pain as such.
i have the same sensation in my legs but i also get an acking pain in mine.
Some people do get pain along side their RLS, i do, a deep ache in my calf. But it does sound more like sciatica you have from where your pain is coming from.
i deeply suspect sciatica but the doctor keeps saying that its rls ive got to make an appointment for scan or something so should get some answers soon