In reading through the posts I see many refer to rls friendly anti-depressants, can anyone tell me which antidepressants this would include? Just trying to sort through all the information and make sense of it. Thanks!
RLS Friendly Depressants?: In reading... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS Friendly Depressants?

Hi, if you look at this website the treatment page on the left hand side of the page, scroll right down til you come to the part that has a list of Anti-depressants, most you will see can make RLS worse. and you will see two that are considered RLS friendly, in not causing RLS to be worse. Having said that, some people can take some of the anti-depressant which are said to make things worse. As always with people who suffer with RLS, its always sometimes having to try to see.

Thanks there is much info on that sight to absorb! Someone on this sight told me that unless you have the urge to move your legs while your awake, you do not have RLS, my sleep doc, says thats not true. She said the RLS can wake you up severel times during the night from the movement alone, its confusing to me all the contradicting information out there. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. I know I suffer for sleep behavior disorder and well as sleep apnea, not completely sure of the RLS at this point, will continue to research.
You do have to have that urge to move your legs and it can wake you during sleep. I think we have discussed this before. What is the sleep behavior disorder you are saying you have. How does that affect you. I think i remember saying i was almost sure you had PLMD. I will find the info again on RLS and PLMD for you to read.
I have the same legs jerk me awake at night after I have fallen asleep but i have no weird sensations when I am awake. My sleep doc who is a very good doc calls what I have an unusual form of RLS. I would have called of PLMD, but i don't think the label matters as much as the treatment does
I do suffer from achy legs , both of them for the past five years. I have noticed in the past year or so that when I sit down for the day I get a pulling sensation in my legs, that can only be relieved by moving. It usually does not keep me from falling asleep but I know I move them sometimes all night long, because my husband tells me I do. Also I jerk and twitch during the REM sleep which they discovered during the sleep study overnight. I wake so often and now we are trying to decide what to treat, the rls, or the sleep disorder ? I told my doctor that my biggest problem is frequent waking, not knowing what woke me up, and not so much the rls that is unbearable for many. She nows says to hold off the miraplex and wait until I see her in October to discuss, like I said just trying to make sense of it all. Thanks for your help. I did read the link you sent, and by what that says I do have rls, mild I would say at this point.

Hi there. If you put in 'Could someone please recommend an antidepressant which will not aggravate my RLS' in the search box in the top right hand corner, you'll see previous posts which might help. Or put in 'RLS+anti-depressants'
Best of luck!
Hi there. If you put in 'Could someone please recommend an antidepressant which will not aggravate my RLS'