My doctor said I have RLS and has tried lots of medications and I’m still the same, it’s like electric shocks going through my legs.. I ended up paying to go private to see a neurologist and he was amazing, after testing he found out I have vitamin B12 deficiency, which also affects your legs, so hopefully I can now get it all sorted.. I never thought that my legs keeping me awake all the time and B12 was linked
RLS: My doctor said I have RLS and has... - Restless Legs Syn...

I am so happy for you, i am considering going private but what type of neurologist do i look for and how do you know if they are experts at RLS relief ?
I think you have to be careful. Many neurologists can be as ignorant as GPs and I would hate you to waste your money. Far better to educate yourself and find one you can work with. Are you in the UK? If so I believe Pippins has a list of recommended ones. Perhaps you could message her?
The low vit b12 could be a marker that your microbiome is out of balance. It has been found that some gut microbes release neurotransmitters which may be driving your rls. These microbes feed on sugar and refined carbs in your diet and can also cause bad nutrient uptake (like vitamins and minerals).
Try a ketogenic diet for a month or so and you may see a difference in rls and b12.
Yes B12 can be helpful .
But Iron is the big kahuna for rls .
Did he test your Ferritin levels ?
Ok is often not ok for rls people .
Ie some do not respond until they reach 300 or even 400 .
What is your # ?
It says on mine that it is 78ng/ml, Ideal is 15-300