RLS website - list of safe anti depre... - Restless Legs Syn...

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RLS website - list of safe anti depressants

yuna1971 profile image
14 Replies

...hi all

Is it just me or has this list gone

I can't find it on their website anymore

Can anyone recommend (uk only) anti dep that doesn't aggravate or make RLS worse

Was on fluoextine.

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yuna1971 profile image
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14 Replies
Kaarina profile image

Hi Yuna,

I believe I am correct in that Trazodone is " safe " and will not worsen RLS. Mirtazapine ( Remeron ) will not worsen RLS for most people. I hope that helps.

yuna1971 profile image
yuna1971 in reply to Kaarina

Hi there

Do either of these take a long time to get in to your system...and the flip side - to leave your system?

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to yuna1971

Yuna, I have not been on them so cannot say. Pippins would know, let's hope she sees your posting soon. Elisse may well know too.

yuna1971 profile image
yuna1971 in reply to Kaarina

Just noticed on RLS website

...it states mirtazapine as one that makes it worse. I was on fluoextine.

I thought they had a list of ones which were ok?

Stupid site. Why take it down...

yuna1971 profile image
yuna1971 in reply to yuna1971

Trazadone looks very heavy duty with a lot of side effects - some quite nasty.

I'm just wondering is fluoextine (Prozac) better or worse?

I have a docs appt later but docs are a bit hopeless with RLS so hence why I'm trying to get my info now - so that I'm armed.

Anyone help or assist PLEASE.

I'm not sure what to do - what with nothing to use for guidance - only the avoid list on RLS uk site.

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to yuna1971

I am sorry you do not approve of the RLS-UK website.

You could look at the treatment page on the website below, it lists all the anti-depressants and state two that are RLS friendly, which I have already mentioned above


Welbutrin is mentioned on this treatment page but not used as a anti-d in the UK.

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to Kaarina

Yuna, what suits one person with RLS does not always suit another, unfortunately. For most RLS sufferers the anti depressants listed in the website above appear to be ok.

Maureen133 profile image
Maureen133 in reply to yuna1971

I was on mirtazapine,but stopped as not sleeping.not because it caused rls to be worse.

Yuna, the info that Kaarina has given you is correct. I know Pippins takes mirtazapine and it suits her. Trazadone is also considered RLS friendly. We can only tell you what is supposed to be ok to take. We are not doctors, just RLS sufferers. You will have to do what everyone else does and see which one suits you, trial and error.!

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to

Thank you for replying to yuna, Elisse.

Pippins2 profile image

Hi Yuna if you go onto the rls-UK website and click on treatments it will bring up a list of medications to avoid. This lists lots of types of meds which can worsen RLS not just antidepressants.

You are correct in that Mirtazapine is listed as a med to avoid. It is listed as an SSRI type of antidepressant which it is not. This has already been brought to the aattention of RLS -UK and hopefully this will be amended. Mirtazapine is antidepressant which is in a class of its own.

As far as which^antidepressant is safe there is only one which is not likely to worsen RLS and that is Trazadone. It is sedating so helps with sleep but very high doses are required to get an antidepressant response and many including myself cannot tolerate the side effectof drowsiness.

Allof the SSRI and Tricycles will almost certainly worsen RLS this includes Fluoxetene and Paroxetine.

So basically it doesn't leave very much choice. Our friends across the pond have Wellbutrin which doesn't worsen RLS but not available in the UK

So we are left with Mirtazapine ( Remeron ). This is a lucky dip as for some it worsens RLS but for others it doesn't but it is the best we have got so worth a try. I switched from Paroxetine to Mirtazapine and had an improvement in my RLS. I must admit though I found Paroxetine worked better on my depression so it is weighing up the pros and cons

I hope that you find this helpful

Pippins2 x

Kaarina profile image
KaarinaAdministrator in reply to Pippins2

Thank you Pippins for replying to yuna.

AnneJende profile image

I take celexa and clonazepam for anxiety and depression. Ironically clonazepam is often used to treat rls symptoms. Note: celexa is an SSRI . Don't know if that is taboo. Just learning a lot myself.

Best of luck!

marsha2306 profile image
marsha2306 in reply to AnneJende

Celexa is one that makes RLS worse. I weaned myself off & my RLS improved.

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