I’ve suffered from RLS for many years. At present feel the need to be on antidepressants BUT I know it makes RLS much worse, anyone else have this problem? Feel soooo low.
Anti depressants: I’ve suffered from... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anti depressants

There are 3 possibilities. Wellbutrin won't worsen RLS but is not available in the UK. Trazadone won't worsen RLS. Mirtazapine MAY worsen RLS but many can take it. Sorry you feel so low. Please see your doctor and ask about the antidepressants I mentioned above. Good luck x
Also Megg are you getting any treatment for your RLS ? X
I’ve tried every drug out there with, usually, bad side effects! My RLS started about 40 yrs ago and as I get older it’s much better but would like the help of ADs right now as I’ve said. Twice in my life been in this same situation and they bring my RLS back to the worst ever levels. Unfortunately I did ask my go for Trazodone but she’d never used it before and wasn’t keen to prescribe. Tempted to buy online, which I know isn’t a good idea. Might try GP once more. Thanks for your interest . Mags
Please go back to GP and ask for trazodone. I know we are all different but I have found trazodone to be the most effective antidepressant , when first prescribed it even seemed to help with RLS but I think that is no longer the case. However, it does help with the insomnia I have had side my teens, plus it has few side effects for me and I am one of those awkward people that are hypersensitive to medication.
I am also very sensitive to EVERYTHING.Trimaprapine. (Surmontil ) worked for me. Take 30 or so before bedtime. Watch the calories though with this one. It is a Trycyclic ad .trazadone made me feel hung over the next day
Thanks so much for your reply, my dr seems reluctant to prescribe tranzodone? I will however now go back to drs and keep fingers crossed. Again many thanks x
Vitamin D3 is well known for giving resilience against depression. It is actually an enzyme produced by skin exposed to the sun, so deficiency is highly likely in winter. It's impossible to overdose on it so a course of high strength vitamin D3 would do no harm.
Don't take a high dose vit D, it'll take your magnesium out your soft tissue, bones and brain to convert vit D so the body can use it causing worsening insomnia and RLS . I understand magnesium citrate is good for sleep and RLS.
I think you're wrong there. easy-immune-health.com/magn...
No I'm not and that's exactly what the article you've posted explains. High dose Vit D draws magnesium out of your bones, soft tissue etc to convert vit D so the body can use it. Once magnesium is low, it causes insomnia.
It also says "...people BELIEVE are vitamin d side effects, but are really just magnesium deficiency symptoms". As magnesium is the most often recommended remedy for RLS, I assume that no one on this forum is deficient.
Yes thats right.....people think the exhaustion and brain fog etc from high dose vit D is a side affect but in fact it is magnesium defficiency symptoms from the high dose vitamin D that has pulled the magnesium out of the brain and body so the high dose vitamin D can be turned into a form the body can use. If you take a lower dose vit D, less magnesium is used to process it and you don't get insomnia, brain fog and worse RLS .
Right. so you don't take Vit D3 supplement because you might be low in magnesium. Weird thinking. nice.org.uk/guidance/ph56/c...
Thanks for that. Will def buy some! Mags
Megg, see my reply to Eryl above please. Very important.......
Thanks Blondie, I appreciate your time and information and have read it avidly! My RLS is better now than it’s been for years and whilst I’ve have had some difficult times recently I’ve decided now not to take any anti-depressant. I’ve only once or twice tried them over the years and have given up very quickly because it’s unbelievable how in a very short space of time my RLS is horrific, so no never again. But thanks again so much for your reply. Mags
Hi megg5
I'm on antidepressants and the one's I'm on don't effect my rls , you are right though there are alot of antidepressants that do make restless legs worse. I did go through a few different ones until me and my shrink could find the right one. I am currently on zoloff.
Drugs, drugs, drugs - all loaded with side effects and eventually withdrawal nightmares - plus the interaction with existing conditions. Try a more natural approach FIRST. Once you're on an anti-depressant the discontinuation syndrome is terrible. Fish Oil is a huge first line treatment - take a lot, 10x normal dose (there are no side effects!). Then start an outside aerobic exercise program. You'll never look back! mentalhealthdaily.com/2014/...
Additional blog post here. madinamerica.com/2018/03/8-...
Hi Mags,
Sorry to hear you are so low. You have probably considered this already but will just throw it into the mix; my gp refuses to prescribe anti-depressants for depression until a talking therapy has been tried first. The talking therapy (at a counselor recommended by the GP) worked really well for my husband and he didn't require anti-depressants in the end. It might be worth trying as a non-pharmaceutical option and is borne out by research - talking therapies have been found to be as effective in studies.
Trazadone is excellent for peeps like us and can help with sleep and RLS..it's an older anti-d called a Tricyclic as opposed to the SSRI's which are a no-no for most of us..be very assertive with your GP all she has to do is open her meds book and check it out !! We really do have to tell our doctors what we need because they haven't got a clue abt RLS and the meds we need if we have depression as well. Be bold..
Hi I know everyone says that about rls and antidepressants!! I am high of fluoxitine and it works for me, just takes the egde off. I have tried lots too though and there is no happy pill. I can be in floods of tears and not want to do or go anyway!! There is a lovely RLS group on Facebook too. Its the support that helps 😊

Thanks Sarah