What is it with some doctors that cannot understand that rls is not depression? What is it about this new "coping medicine" prescriptions? They tell us that we are doing everything right according to all that they know about RLS and that the usual medicines "should" be working so if they don't, then we have to start playing around with "head" medicines traditionally used for patients that have psych conditions that we do not have.. Give me a narcotic and I will show you in 2 days that I am not the least bit depressed, It's not anxiety keeping me awake...better yet, give me 2 weeks worth of
pain medicine and I will show you a new side of me that you haven't seen before because all that I need is S-L-E-E-P to get my usual good girl, no complaint, happy self back. If I told you that anti-anxiety medicines are not working or coping medicines are changing who I am - doing other evil things to my body, then why are you still prescribing them to me? Arent those side effects just as harmful as addiction? I noticed that I am starting to do weird stuff that my family doesn't take kindly to on the most recent "head" medicine that you gave me.. its called "Bisprone" and though it's supposed to bring up serotonin levels, it's been making my rls worse..and it's making these crazy thoughts happen to me...my family took notice and hates it.. THAT causes anxiety...I know that you looked at the list of medicines but just because it's on that list and you know that it will knock me out for a few hours doesn't mean that it's the right choice for me... look at me, look what it's doing to me.. see me, hear me.!!! I cannot keep switching over "coping" medicines and mixing them to get the right balance.. it's been a couple years and it's not helping me.. My body is showing big signs of stress, you have exactly what I need and just because a few bad eggs spoiled it for all, doesn't mean that I am one of those.. I have a real problem, my legs need me to be in an upright position all day, all night without rest.. either find me a way to keep that going or you need to give me a narcotic because we both know that it works very well for even 6 hours a night.. so give me a pain contract...and I will stick to it, not pressure you to give me more, not run out of it before my month is done and lets get me out of here!!! I want 2 light pain killers and one heavier one for bedtime. I promise to save the last for bedtime. I will sign any paper that you need signed and adhere to it if the FEDS come round - Oh and I won't be complaining of daytime drowsiness, I can live with that but I can't live without sleep. Thank you.