Don't know what else to do! - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Don't know what else to do!

Rlsrlsrls profile image
10 Replies

I have been suffering from rls since 5 years on and off. Recently it got worse because I'm taking zoloft 50 mg. In order to get rid off the rls, my dr made me to try almost every other antidepressants ( cipralex, Prozac, neurontin, Cymbalta, wellbutrin, and....). All of these antidepressants give me rls except the wellbutrin, however wellbutrin increases my anxiety. So after trying all of above, I had to go back to zoloft because it really puts me in a good state.

At the moment, I'm taking Sifrol 0.36 which works well ONLY when I take, and imagine if I don't take it, then my whole night is ruined! I'm just thinking to myself, till when this had to go on??? When this will be done???? So tired of it. I wanna be normal, like others. To not take any medicines. I'm fine with zoloft, I Dont mind taking it for life because my depression goes back all the way to my messy childhood. But why rls???? Went to other Drs as well, and they are all suggesting that I keep taking zoloft and Sifrol together because there are no other solutions since zoloft suits u. .. I'm super exhausted by taking rls medicine.

P.S. my restless legs is only at evening when I sleep.


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10 Replies
Joolsg profile image

Hi there and welcome

RLS is made worse by all anti depressants except Trazodone and Wellbutrin. Diazepam might help your anxiety and it also helps RLS.

RLS typically affects people at rest or when trying to sleep and most of us suffer at night only.

Sifrol is a dopamine agonist which is first line treatment for RLS.

How long have you been taking it? It will only work if you take it at least an hour before bed every night.

However, as your RLS seems linked to the anti depressants, sticking to Wellbutrin and trying diazepam for anxiety would cause your RLS to disappear.

If you cannot give up the zoloft, consider pregabalin instead of sifrol as it is a sedating med ( and thus will help anxiety)and works better in trials than dopamine agonists.

Rlsrlsrls profile image
Rlsrlsrls in reply to Joolsg

many thanks for your reply. Well, I live in UAE and trazodone is not available here. My aim is to stay on zoloft (or something like that but without causing rls). pregabalin won't really treat rls, it will just stop it, as per my dr.

I have been on Sifrol on and off for past 1 year but lately I have been on it completely since 5 months. What is the solution? Something for anxiety/depression + treating rls.

I want to take only one medicine!

It is really frustrating.

LotteM profile image
LotteM in reply to Rlsrlsrls

You may want to educate yourself a bit better and your doctor as well. Sifrol and other dopamine agonists treat but do not cure (idiopathic) RLS. The same is true for the other main treatments for RLS, alpha2delta ligands like gabapentin and pregabalin, and opioids, like oxycodon and methadone. This is because the cause of RLS is not known and, thus, RLS can not be cured. But its symptoms van be treated.

In your case, it seems the RLS is caused by te antidepressant(s) and may well be cured by no longer taking the antidepressant. Apparently, that does mot seem an option for you. You do not mention cognitive behavioural therapy, but I assume you have tried or maybe are still taking that approach?

Joolsg has given you sound advice for yet another approach. I hope you will soon find one that works for you. Depression and -avoidable?- RLS seems too much to deal with. But I know you’re definitely not alone.

Joolsg profile image
Joolsg in reply to Rlsrlsrls

Sadly there isn’t really a solution to your particular problem. The zoloft is the cause of your RLS so unless you can find an alternative anti anxiety med, your RLS will continue.

As InvoluntaryDancer suggests, perhaps CBT or mindfulness may reduce your anxiety sufficiently to enable you to stop the Zoloft?

There is no cure for RLS, only meds that treat the symptoms ( or meds to avoid that cause the symptoms).

TEAH35 profile image

Yeah rlsrlsrls, we all know how you feel. I myself have had it since childhood (now 65) and it ain't going nowhere. Careful with antidepressants, especially Zoloft and Prozac they are cruel. Are you from Oz? Just that you mentioned Siffrol, I have been on it for over 10 years and I can guarantee that without it i wouldn't still be here

Rlsrlsrls profile image
Rlsrlsrls in reply to TEAH35

Thanks Grany. I'm glad that you are managing it.

I want to a cure it because I know it is because of antidepressants that I take. Need to find something that helps my anxity and depression without causing rls.

Hi and welcome.

I understand where you’re coming from. I would rather just be “normal” as well and not be on medications. RLS is Hell enough to deal with without putting the depression on top of it! I have depression as well. My neurologist keeps reminding me of how complex my situation is due to the psychological factor. I think this is his way of telling me that he is at a bit of a loss as to what to do. Most of the medications needed by those of us with depression are known to exacerbate RLS, some don’t so you’re put on one that doesn’t and maybe have a reaction to that, so you’re taken off of it only to find yourself getting depressed again, you’re put on another one and love it for the depression but it makes your RLS worse, etc., etc. It’s one mess and a huge balancing act, I’m afraid. I like Lotte’s idea of CBT therapy. It is an extremely powerful tool which you have probably heard about (and have maybe put into practice?) throughout you journey with depression depression.

One thing that might be useful for you to keep in mind: stress can exacerbate RLS. I’m afraid to say that this is like feeding the already-burning fire to those of us who are prone to stress and anxiety, so make sure to get those anxious and stressful thoughts out whenever you can (whether it be on paper or by talking to someone).

Take care!

I don't know if you might be interested, but some of the more recent nutritional research is showing diet to be a factor in depression. There's the possibility that you might see positive results by eliminating processed foods, eating real food- meat, produce, dairy- and greatly reducing if not eliminating sugar and grains. Here's one site that may have some info that might help- Here's another-

And there are lots of personal stories out there from people who have conquered depression by eating keto/LCHF. Might be worth a try for a few weeks to see what happens.

TEAH35 profile image

I too had drastic results for RLS with Zoloft and Prozac. I've also been diagnosed with bipolar so don't feel confident in advising an antidepressant. But as for Sifrol .... you take that away from me, you give me a gun. Simple as that.

I have had RLS since childhood (now 65). Once you have it ... sorry.

Dogdoo profile image

I got off zoloft and onto lamictal for my depression in february.

Coming off zoloft increased my rls but it 8s managable now with gabapentin, kratom, cannabis and a tiny dose of ropinerole (.25mg)

Anything higher than that dose, i cant sleep and have anxiety. It also gives me repetitive thoughts.

My depression is better than its ever been on 150mg of lamictal; anxiety is less partly because my depression being better and my gabapentin dose is pretty high (i take it for anxiety but also for rls). Lamictal is not an anti anxiety med in its own.

Lastly, even if you only took the oral opiates a short time, consider the meds they use during surgery as well. More powerful iv opiates (fentanyl often) and sedatives can contribute to withdrawal based rls symptoms too.

Though your case is seemingly a few different causes at once, unfortunately.

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