Every self help RLS self help article and book says that If we
have RLS going on, then we need to go to the doctor.
There is a long running list of self help treatments that seem logical
to do like hot baths, gentle stretches, rubbing down the legs...
but we all know that it's not going to hold us in place for longer
than a few minutes after we stop. We get those kinds of suggestions
to do and when we tell the doctor that it's not working then they
look at prescribing one of the dopamine drugs. Most of us end
up going back to the doctor again to state that those medicines
aren't doing the job.
The doctor then thinks that we have to learn some "coping methods"
and thinks that maybe if we talk to a professional, we can work out
some kinks in our lives and we will learn to relax. We can complain
all we want to and the "mental professional" will listen.. maybe go
over the list of things that are natural like baths, exercising, stretching.
Sometimes we run out of things to say because it's all repetitive
so we move onto the drama in our lives - mainly my own attitude
because it suffers after being subjected to a couple hours of
sleep (maybe) per night. Eventually the "mental doc" says to
ask the doctor for a sleep study. Sometimes the doctor comes up
with that idea when you complain that talking to someone professionally
about your problems, rls is not doing Jack Shiieeet. ^_^.
The results come back from the sleep study and you are sent to the
doctor who says rls must be a neuro problem.. let's send you there.
Maybe you will get some narcotics while waiting the month or so until
you actually get in to see the neuro. When that day finally comes,
the Neuro agrees that it is rls... is a part of your life.. and you have to
learn to cope with it. They may suggest that you sleep whenever you
can or tell you to do the best that you can.. and wait for other rls drugs
to be on the market. (I heard that botox is being used in experimental
treatments studies recently) The neuro goes on to say that other people
live with it and that I should join a support group to get ideas on coping.
My General Practitioner says "Oh" and life goes on. I spent a lot
of money over that time by being told the same thing. Now I have
someone looking at the drugs (narcotics) that actually do help..
They are saying that I am reaching a danger zone by using up
my prescribed pain killers too soon... I am using them later in the
afternoon and before I go to bed... that's too much, too often.
I should use them only when it gets really bad...
My mind thinks that it would be nice to sit through a movie, dinner, playing
cards with family and friends so I know that if I take a narcotic, I can
do it.... so I do... and then I am short drugs at the end of the month
which bites as you all know... I have to put too much thought into
when I am going to take the damn things.. along with my dopamine
Not sleeping caused me high blood pressure, some diabetes so I
have those ugly pills to take and some vitamins... a few other little
nasty conditions are over-taking my body due to poor sleep hygiene.
It's been disastrous any way you look at it...I have a lower quality of
life (sorry for being depressive) Guess how my relationships are
going in the family and with friends??? (I'm too self centered on
how to get the legs to stop and wanting to sleep, dealing with pain)
I think that the doctor, the nurse, the mental professional, my family,
co-workers, some friends think that I am either faking it, really messed
up in the head ---especially when I tell them it's feeling like soda pop
in my veins and I have bugs crawling under my skin...
I am no better off today than I was 3 yrs ago.. everyone tells me to do
the best that I can. The muscle relaxers do not work for RLS for me.
Pot doesn't work. Drinking doesn't help, my body is very well nourished,
I am super strict to follow the food pyramid and I eat properly, go out
running in the morning.. or walking.. or water running.
What's next for me? It's not looking grand right now.. I am caught
on a merry go round of self help only.