The other night I was messing about with my mobile just before trying to get to sleep. Anyway , I dozed off and the next thing I knew it was 8.00 am This hasn't happened for many years. Now the relevance of the phone, or not? I found my mobile under my pillow. It was still connected by WiFi to our modem. Could it be that the signal from the phone relaxed the signals in the brain that causes our RLS. I've tried this a couple of times since with the same results. Can a few of you give it a go. If there is anything in it perhaps we can pass this on the medical proffession and hope it helps them come up with some cure.
Just got a couple of nights sleep. Is... - Restless Legs Syn...
Just got a couple of nights sleep. Is it worth others giving this a try.

Oh dear.. I am at a loss. Most of the time people fear having the cell close
to their head for long periods of time because of the signals/ radiation factor..
While it did work for you, my son did an experiment with 7 cell phones that
surrounded a Styrofoam cup with water in it.. the cell phones barely touched
the phones.. they called the cell phones that surrounded the water cup at
the same exact time so all 7 would ring at the same time..the water heated
to boil.. the experiment was repeated the same time..
Now about nutrients...the microwave.. My son did an experiment by boiling
water in a glass cup in the microwave, he let the water cool down... in the
other large cup, he filled it with water from the tap.. he watered 50 plants..
25 of them with the tap water, 25 with the cooled microwave water...
all of the plants lived healthy from the tap water..but all of the plants died from
the water that was microwaved and cooled..
It's interesting.. very how that cell phone made your rls disappear. Maybe
someone can shed some light on this subject. As long as you feel that it's
not harmful, then I am glad that you found something that works.. I am feeling
very reluctant to try this. You may want to tell the story to the rls foundation.
Maybe someone else had this same thing happen. By us just sharing ideas,
one of us will hit on a new treatment or of these days. =)

My main hope was that if it did works for a number of people the medical profession will take note. As for your sons tests. OMG. Frightening isn't it. And be assured I won't continue with this experiment. Many thanks for reply and warning
I can't tell you what to do and if it's working...what a shame.. = //
I can tell you that my sons experiments were publicized on the radio..
not just locally... there were several people involved to monitor and
make sure that no one was doing anything incorrect... they set up
camera's for the there was no cheating... it was for a
college class, actually. ..yes I do get worried about how most people
carry a cell phone in their pocket.. I have been known to do the same or
I have it strapped onto my arm for running, playing music..
I want for you to be safe... you can make your own decisions. When you
did say cell phone.. I had to tell you about that shocking experiment..
since my son first did that, it's been repeated by others around all states
and I have looked at the results to be pretty much like his.. sad, isn't it..
and yes, very scary. =//
I do however believe that you are on to something.. it's something that
probably no one else thought of.. and gosh, I hope someone reading
our forum can tell us more...or can look into the testing more.
I can't thank you enough for your comments. I probably would have continued with this if I hadn't received your reply but of course now I'll stop it straight away. As you also say. if I am onto something lets hope someone picks this thread up and does some lab tests to either prove or disprove the possibility of this helping us without the health risks. Thanks again
Hi Yikes Do you mind if I post the findings of your son's experiments on my Facebook. This is just the sort of thing the goverment try to cover up over here. All they say is there is no proof mobile (cell) phones can create or cause a health risk or hazzard.
You might or might not get into trouble with cell phone makers.. some
of the teachers did just and teach the kids about the experiment..
they have performed the experiments live and recreated the scenes over
and over... it wasn't long until they were getting a huge backlash of
angry people over it.. be prepared when people say it's fake or that cell
phones are harmless..
Be my guest to take that part and post away...
Parts of conversation that we have about rls and other health issues cannot
be copied though.. it's important to have a place right here in the community
to share our confidences.. it's private information... you know what I mean..
Right? = O.
It's worth it to mention to you that my son still carries his cell phone either
in his front pocket or on his cell belt clip... and I do the same..but usually
it's strapped on a Velcro band on my I can run, walk..
Good Luck. =)