anyone ever heard of repinarole causi... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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anyone ever heard of repinarole causing night & day hot flushes.?

19 Replies

just spoke to my GP she said it may be the meds im taking already had these flushes im 67 so I don't no any ideas would be a great help this is the only med that helps with my RLEGS

19 Replies

in reply to

read this link, it does say its possible

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer I love this web site for looking up meds. Very comprehensive. anyway, "sweating" is one of the most common side effects. But, almost every med has that listed as a side effect, but it is quite possible.

I have no idea what's causing the flushing.. I'm sorry that you

are experiencing this! I do know of some amazing products

that help with those sweats and hot flashes or flushes for

any person for whatever reason...

Poise makes a cooling wipe. It has a pleasant scent. I sent for

free samples to give to my Aunt who is always wringing wet

from her antidepressant. I tried them as well. They work so

nicely to keep you cool and fresh around the face, neck..

Ice cold Witch Hazel on a cotton ball cools the skin nicely and

barely has a scent. My aunt even uses a spray bottle with

water that she keeps in the fridge. (hey it works)

The gel pillows are so worth the money if you don't have

a problem switching the pillow. Some people get headaches

when they switch out pillows but the gel keeps your head cooler.

A tiny fan on the bed nightstand may help if you don't mind it

blowing on your head. It really helps if you use this with

any one of the things mentioned above.

Don't forget about washcloths for the forehead or the neck.

Setting an ice bag (gel) on the top of your head will work

wonders too. Sounds silly but it works. =)

in reply to

I get these hot flush's also, and at the worse times, so thank's for these tips Yikes, very welcome they are to :)

thedragon profile image
thedragon in reply to

my mum always uses to cool us down with a toilet water on cotton wool called "4711"..might be coty. whenever i smell it shes right next to me!!!! really helps..

in reply to

Hi Yikes, I use a fan every night and sometimes by day, the cool air over my head is lovely, it just seems to be enough to cool me down. As you suggested about different ways of keeping cool, I just sent a similar response to Cally 21 and I am sure that it is the meds that we are taking, albiet it different to each other. The Gel Pillow is great, nice for Migraines too.

We all seem to have some sort of suggestions for each other, I think it is nice that we all seem to be suffering in similar ways, and are lucky enough to have a way of expressing and helping each other and ourselves.

Best Wishes


in reply to

The human body does what it does. It just doesn't really embarrass

me to talk about this kind of stuff. Waking up sweaty could be

a contributing factor to having legs that won't settle back down.

It gets my RLS going on those rare occasions that my body

sweats like that.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

Love the gel pillows! and the gel eye masks are great fro migraines!

Hi Cally 21, I have just read your question about sweats, I get terrible sweats, I have been told that is all to do with my medications, especially Ripinirole, and this is only what my G.P says, but I take a lot of other meds too so it could be any of them. I know how you feel about the sweats, they are terrible, I look sometimes as if I have just walked out from the shower, and I have beeen up for ages, I can feel it at times running down the back of my ears, and down my neck, it is truly horrible. All I seem to do is be constantly wiping down with cool face wipes which I keep in the fridge, or Cotton Pads like you take your makeup off with soaked in my favourite toner or freshtner from Clarins and put them inside a bag and put them in the fridge too. When I go out, I have one of the Small Nappy Containers Boxes that they give you sometimes when you buy Baby Wipes so I can carry a few around with me in my rather large bag, so at least I can wipe off, it can be so embarrassing and awkward when you are in the middle of taking minutes and you are running in sweat, I am always concerned about smelling! Not sweat like armpits, but from my face and neck, when I have previously put on creams to enhance your skin, and of course we are always being told to nourish our skin etc, but sometimes for me it is a waste of time, as I can soon sweat it all away. Bit of problem, and as yet I have not come up with a solution, but I suppose, we ladies have to put up with these beastly conditions. Hope my reponse has helped, you are not alone, while I am here, as I am World's best at sweating.

Take Care.


in reply to

I have seen men and women with a wrap around the neck,

part of the back. The wrap contains a cooling gel.

They swear by it that it works to keep the head from

sweating. (yes, due to medicines or life changes) I tried

to find the product online.. I hope to run into them to ask

where to buy them.

In the USA, they use botox to stop the scalp, head from

sweating. Some people who are on certain anti depressants

use that method because like Widgeylegs said, it's very


I have been told that Pramipexole (for RLS) does not

contribute to the problem..

Sweating while sleeping can keep you up, wake you up

and then the legs can start in... so mention it to your GP

if you have a lot of this going on.

Dont worry so much about the sweating, if you have wipes, or something like that to use, sweating doesnt smell, it's only the bacteria from not washing, and not changing your cklothes often that will cause an odour, and i know none of us are like that. :)

but it can be embarrassing in certain situations, thart's the worse part of it i guess

in reply to

Thanks.tallula. I don't know about you but if I woke up

wringing wet (hair wet, soaked sheets, pillow case) I

would be awake, wide awake...I cannot stand the feeling.

Some people are severely bothered by sweat that gets in

the eyes, runs down the sides of the face, neck, especially

down the back, etc. Even with a towelette, it can't be


in reply to

I know the feeling to well Yikes, i was just saying that it doesnt make you smell, although its awfull to put up with

in reply to

You're very correct and indeed, it happens to the best of us.

For me, it's quite infrequently.. for some other's on

my mother's side of the family- it's day and night.

It severely interrupts their sleeping schedule.

nellycat profile image

hiya i'm 64 and suffer from hot flushes GP doesnt know why blood tests ok but came back when started taking ropinerol interesting

nightdancer profile image

I soak my sheets so badly, at times, I have had to change the bed in the middle of the night as well as the jammies. That part of it is very tiring.

in reply to nightdancer

foam bedding might be to blame or anything plastic, water proof

bedding, permanente press, nylon do not breathe. They hold

in the heat.. even some of the gel materials can be that way

if they have rubber in it also..

It's not a bad idea to use terry bath towel to put over your

pillow... it absorbs and wicks so your hair will remain dry.

Untuck the bedding and let your feet hang out. or just

use a single layered comforter to cover up the body

parts you wish to cover... sleep in the buff if it helps.

Keep to your own bedding even if 2 of you are in the bed.

Use body pillows to support side sleeping.

If there is infact any sleeping issues that can contribute to

RLS starting up....such as being over tired...due to these

other conditions... then try some of them to get to sleep

and stay sleeping with the utmost comfort temperature and

position. =)

Wollyhat123 profile image

Ropinirole can also cause excessive weight gain, confusion, itching and a host of other side effects. I was taking it for only six months and got all of the above. I gained 16 pounds in six months, came off two months ago and am struggling to lose the extra weight. So far in two months have lost two pounds eating normally. I found a site on the net called "Requip (Ropinerole) Ask the Patient. Many were taking it like me for RLS, others for Parkinson's. most who had been on it a short while raved about it, like I once did but those who had been on it for longer seemed to get the side effects. I now swear by rubbing a little Dove liquid soap with a bit of water all over the lower half of my legs and feet and letting it dry on before I go to bed and showering it off in the mornings. Two months now, so far, so good. It's cheap, it works ( for me) and no drugs involved.

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