Polls - Research Opportunities | HealthUnlocked

Research Opportunities

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How transparent do you find the overall scientific process, from research initiation to publication?

How optimistic do you feel about current research and developments in the treatment and understanding of your condition?

Are you interested in taking part in a project relating to Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD)?

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What is your preferred way of communicating with your Doctor/ healthcare provider

To what extent do you believe pharmaceutical companies prioritize public health and safety over profit motives when presenting data?

How much trust do you have in the data provided by pharmaceutical companies regarding the safety and efficacy of their products?

What aspect of medical research holds the most promise for improving patient experiences?

Which of the following factors do you believe have the most significant impact on your mental health? (Select up to three)

In the area that you live in, how easy or difficult is it to access mental health care?

Do you feel different about taking part in scientific research since going through your health condition? (Please explain your choice below)

How do you feel about the pharmaceutical industry? Please explain your choice in the replies below :)

How often do you speak with your pharmacist about a newly prescribed medication(s)?

How often do you speak with your pharmacist about prescribed medication(s) you are already taking?

How do you find out about potential research opportunities you can take part in? E.g., clinical trials, surveys, patient panels, focus group

What research opportunities are you most excited to take part in?

Are you hesitant to take part in research? Please explain your response in the replies below :)

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