What research opportunities are you m... - Research Opportun...

Research Opportunities

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What research opportunities are you most excited to take part in?

AnnaHU profile imageAnnaHUHealthUnlocked127 Voters

Please select all that apply:

13 Replies
LifeIsThePitts profile image

I'd participate in anything that advances the research in TRD, GAD, PTSD, ADHD, childhood trauma and sexual abuse, addiction and drug abuse, disorderd eating patterns and body dysmorphia.

Markdavisson profile image
Markdavisson in reply to LifeIsThePitts

I am in such a law system where I am and I found that my education which seems good really is useless and understand the complexities of what I'm dealing with I can really support

AndrewT profile image

Dear Anna,

Actually I'm already 'Registered' with a 'Number Of Research Projects' over both the Longer, and Shorter, Term. My 'Consent' is also Widely Circulated, to Legitimate Organisations- such as Addenbrooke's & Ipswich Hospitals and several On Line Studies.

I think that is is important to 'Help Further (Future) Research', which could- very easily- save the life, of another. Another Family with a Future.


Oppo24 profile image

Interested in any research into ABI Brain Injury and how to help others come to terms with the effects it has on memory and it’s impact on who you are

john-boy-92 profile image

Current studies: lived experience studies for two Universities (clopidogrel and AFFIRMO) and a major stroke organisation. I'm part of a stroke user group linked to regional health partnerships, next week I join a patient participation group for four health practices and, I'm also an occasional mystery patient for medical students.

faucet profile image

I would be happy to contribute to anything that would be of help to anyone.

Markdavisson profile image
Markdavisson in reply to faucet

I am new here this is my third pulse and I really don't even know what I'm saying except I'm reaching out and asking for help I'm at the end of my row I know God exist but I can't seem to do the right thing I really need groups of people that I can develop relationships and accountability with to help me get through that which has me stuck at age 60

faucet profile image
faucet in reply to Markdavisson

try to remember you are not alone in your journey. Most of us in this community are experiencing similar feelings. Keep reaching out, talk to your Doctor, therapist, pastor, family, there are a lot of caring people out there to help. This community is a great resource for help in getting answers on where to turn. Try to keep the hope going, doing little things that hopefully give you some enjoyment and try to reach out, my thoughts are with you, its easy to say, but things are not usually as bad as they seem.

CrazyhorsesFIGARO profile image
CrazyhorsesFIGARO in reply to Markdavisson

I know very little about most of the things that this community is all about but came here quite by chance and I am interested to know more. I really want to put myself next to Faucet in his reply. You are not on your own, we are all in a great tide of people looking for help and support. We all need to be here for each other, talk to each other and help each other to reach out and take hold of things that will help us to help others. Thank you for reaching out. It takes courage ,well done. My thoughts are with you too.

amaagabg2020 profile image

I would like to participate in any research activity that help researchers to advance their study on possible cure for CLL.

MikeThePike profile image

I would be interested in participating in research into heartbeat awareness meaning why some people suddenly become aware of their heart beating all the time. Also interested in ectopic heartbeats and why some people feel them everyday while others don't.

Jailsec profile image

I have severe restless legs, I would participate in any trail relating to restless legs.

Twoblu profile image

I would like to take part in how to get CHC when after being put in an induced coma, a person has come out with critical illness myopathy and critical illness myopathy.Vision disruption


Hearing disruption.

Unable to move from the neck down.

Light sensitive.

Noise sensitive.

Feels pain on every part of his body.

Can feel you touching them.

Research would be good.

This person has been like this since 2019.

A free charity to help people to CHC would be handy too.

Redpectfully submitted