About - Research Opportunities | HealthUnlocked

Research Opportunities

1,035 members50 posts

About Research Opportunities

We believe that the voice of the patient should hold tremendous influence over the decisions made within the healthcare industry - that is why we created the Research Opportunities community.

This reply-only community is a one-stop destination for all things related to research. Whether you’re looking to take part, or simply just want to learn more about the scientific process, we have something for everyone.

Participation in research is subject to the inclusion criteria of the specific research opportunity, by joining the HealthUnlocked research community you are not guaranteed success.

How do I get the most out of the community?

We may notify you if there is a new opportunity that we believe would make a good match for you. This could be a private message, or an email.

Personalized recommendations of research opportunities are based on your HU member profile, it is essential that you complete the setup of your profile, and ensure it is up to date: healthunlocked.com/profile/...

Please note, you will only receive emails if you have opted-in to receive marketing emails. You will need to make sure you have ticked ' Email me about: Opportunities (e.g. surveys, clinical trials, paid market research, new patient communities) that might interest me' in your email settings.

Check your email settings now: healthunlocked.com/email-no...

Guidelines Highlights

Be kind, respectful, and understanding of one another
Actively listen & have in mind that everyone deals with their own private challenges
Post from your own experience
"For me, this worked..." rather than "You should do this..."
This space has been created to further scientific research
The community does not replace the relationship or advice given by your healthcare professional
Provide your sources of information
Use well-known sources of information and add the URL to your reply or post
No political content
Let's focus on individual health experiences
This community should not be used for commercial or personal promotion
No selling, no fundraising, no spam
View detailed guidelines

Moderation team

This community is currently being moderated by HealthUnlocked: reports of abuse are reviewed and actioned when appropriate.

Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.

Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked.