To what extent do you believe pharmac... - Research Opportun...

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To what extent do you believe pharmaceutical companies prioritize public health and safety over profit motives when presenting data?

AnnaHU profile imageAnnaHUHealthUnlocked74 Voters

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14 Replies
Vonnegut profile image

Often drugs taken to deal with one health problem seem to come with additional health problems which give the opportunity for companies to produce more drugs (and more profits!)

Oatmilk123 profile image
Oatmilk123 in reply to Vonnegut

I so agree

Vonnegut profile image
Vonnegut in reply to Oatmilk123

“Thanks for your support” as the headmaster at the children’s primary school used to say. I think I had a book about it called Pharmacology!

Sheepysammy profile image

i have no doubts. Their professional newletter contains adverts from pharmas they go for the best deals for them not patients they are paid per patient ( eg flu vaccine, oral contraceptives) so in their interest to choose best deal which will fluctuate. The do not take a Hippocratic oath

Teaching profile image

I think they are not completely dishonest but compromised a little bit for their own gain.

focused1 profile image

I have a balanced view on this as to research and introduce new drugs costs millions and I wonder without them who would have the money and resources to do this . Yes I agree they make profits but they also keep people alive and create jobs etc . Could those strongly against them kindly suggest a solution ? I can’t think of many large companies that don’t make profits and those who slash prices on essential goods like food and fuel must have artificially raised them in the first place as basic wages have increased this month but they are still promoting price cuts .

DandyButch profile image

Remember, each pharma has shareholders.Also, regardless of having a suitable product for a particular ailment, if they find something cheaper to manufacture and therefore sell, NICE will always have the cheaper version. So, the recipient has no choice.

As with any 'product', to sell it, you have to make it sound great and the price better than the other company. They are not going to admit the downside of a product.

However, all pharma are massive companies, and must be profitable.

I do feel that certain admired human qualities, such as morals and ethics and conscience, do not apply if there's money in it.

Even doctors, apparently don't have to swear by the hippocratic oath any longer.

It is always the poorest in society who have to suffer the most, because they just get what they're given, the cheapest option. Those who can afford it have more choice.

MikeThePike profile image

I think that pharmaceutical companies should be forced to devote a sizeable portion of their profits to researching causes and cures for the known serious side effects of their products. I don't think its good enough to say that the "vast majority" have benefited from their products and just allow them to continue making billions in profits. Some of that must be paid towards actively researching cures for the often devastating rare or uncommon side effects of their products. I can mention specific examples but I'm not sure the admin will approve so i'll stop here.

Artgreen profile image

I think profit is high on the agenda . Not a lot of research seems to be done for off label combinations of existing drugs which have fewer side effects as it isn’t in big pharmaceutical’s interests. There is some but it seems limited. I had to ask my oncologist about aspirin, metformin, statins and doxycycline as trials were t immediately offered to me. But I discovered some of these were being researched/trialled for breast cancer but not for Ovarian cancer which I now also discover my version ( low grade) behaves like some breast cancers in many ways

lovejoyliz profile image

If the medical profession looked for the cause of the health problem or issues that a patient has, then maybe we would not need half of the drugs that are manufactured at such an expensive high cost. Do we ever see a breakdown of what costs are involved when these drugs are manufactured?

Most drugs will have side effects, that need another drug to counter-act the side affects of that drug. We only have to look at the drugs that have been produced that have caused horrific deformaties and death.

We need to see more reasons why the drug industry has such a high intake of a huge amount of funds and to explain and show where those funds have been spent.

Chancery profile image

Profit, profit, profit ever time. If that wasn't true, they wouldn't have long histories of hiding research and refusing to share bad side effects of drugs etc. I don't think a moral pharmaceutical company exits; it's an oxymoron.

Dineshwaran profile image

What is the cost of a production determine all. Healthcare centre goes for affordable prices since not all patients are rich. And a health care centre can't buy expensive medicines and give for cheaper price. Nowadays to be healthy you to spend wealthy.

FrenchRonin profile image

I do think that the pressure in companies (for profits) of finance is heavier than the social progression motive as only in association or other non profit organisation can the people disregard the usual tendency of capitalism to maximize financial profits over any other concerns but I do hope that public safety is not only an objective followed for fear of penalties

FrenchRonin profile image

This Question is the perfect occasion for me to reexamine some works I did previously when I was younger. It is a picture of how I feel a bit self trapped in my web, collecting and holding on to every little fragment of joy to subsist

A lonely one sitting on their web, collecting fragmented brilliances