IF ONLY THEY COULD TALK ....: Now we all know... - Quit Support

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Now we all know that us women can talk the hind leg off a donkey but the men of this site are not too far behind us on that score but I was thinking as one does (yeah not very often I do but occasionally mind over matter means that the brain takes over and decides to do some work) about all the conversations that we have on here and the differing topics that we discuss. I got to wondering if, because we are now not smoking, our body and body parts talk to one another about how they are and what things have changed for them now we do not partake of cigarettes. I suppose the conversation could go something like the following:-

Mind to breath: Hey! How do you feel now you don’t stink to high heaven?

Breath to mind: Well it’s taken him/her long enough to realise what was causing my smelliness but I didn’t realise that the benefits would be felt so quickly. It is nice though nowadays not to have folk keeping their distance because of the smoke smell and it’s not just me that don’t smell any more it’s the clothes on their back and their hair have all stopped reeking of tobacco. Him/her must know what a great improvement that is ‘cos I’m sure they said the other day that they can tell now if someone smokes or not. So yeah, I’m pretty pleased that I’ve stopped smelling and just hoping that they keep on stopping!

Mind to blood: How about you, have you noticed a difference at all these past days?

Blood to mind: Not half! God it weren’t just the nicotine it was all them other chemicals as well. I mean, there were cyanide in them there cigarettes to name but one of the ‘orrible things. I mean to say it’s taken them long enough to see sense but better late than never. I mean what moron smokes poison? Yeah the body that I inhabit does, hey just hang on a minute that you should did, but there’s not a lot I can do about it except hope they stay strong. Mind you, if I carry on improving my circulation maybe, hopefully, they will feel better in themselves and that will be an incentive to stay stopped. I mean to say me veins are a lot more free flowing now so that’s bound to be an improvement that they can feel surely? Oh well, fingers crossed they carry on stopping!

Mind to eyes: What’s your feeling on your owner stopping smoking? Have you felt any different?

Eyes to mind: Of course we have – we can see without squinting through the smoke for a start! Have you any idea of what it’s like trying to give someone a clear picture when all that you can see is fog and/or mist? Really and truthfully mind, you just haven’t got a clue as to just how much we have suffered with the smoke, have you? Hey, and it’s not just once a day either – it can be as many as 20 or 30 times each and every single day and sometimes more. I mean it’s unbelievable the amount of money that they’ve set fire to – talk about daft, definitely think that stupid describes it better. We mean to say, there’s only so many times that you can water on demand so to speak in the hope that they stub it out! You’d think that they would have more thought for something as precious as us, we mean to say, without us they wouldn’t be able to see and if they hadn’t stopped already then maybe they would when they couldn’t see to light the bl**dy cig that’s in front of their nose!!

Mind to teeth: How you all doing today? Been to the dentist lately?

Teeth to mind: Well, we’re doing alright at the mo thanks and gums are improving slowly but considering how bad a mess they were in they’ve done marvellous. Mind you, must admit this no smoking malarkey is excellent for improving both of us and we went to the dentist t’other day and he actually worked on us without wearing the usual mask so that just goes to show how much better our breath is and although we don’t like to harp on it, improvements to teeth and gums definitely helps breath smell sweeter! Sorry breath but you can’t take all of the credit after all we’ve worked together on this!

Mind to heart: Now as a major organ heart, have you noticed any improvements?

Heart to mind: Most definitely in the positive mind. Improved circulation which can only get better and better the longer they are sensible and stay off those blasted cigs. As veins are functioning better it is far easier for the blood to circulate which means that I don’t have to work as hard. Still work but only normal time not overtime! Definite improvement in all things to do with me and my associated parts. In agreement with everyone else – mind you must tell them that they can do this and stay smoke free. After all, surely not smoking is a mind over matter thingy so you are in the perfect position to actively assist them in the quest for smoke freeness! Am I right or am I right? Hey plus the fact that because I am able to work without strain, blood gets to all parts as it should so fingers are less likely to go blue or white with the cold! I mean, surely they realise they are on to a winner here with everything that their body is telling them together with all the money they have saved! Onwards and upwards is what I say, here’s to them. Do anything I can to keep them on this path to becoming a non-smoker! Sure everything else agrees with me as well.

Mind to lungs: Well, last but not least, how you coping without the nicotine and other stuff? Mean to say, you were first in the firing line when they lit up, so how’s it feel now?

Lungs to mind: Absolutely w o n d e r f u l ! ! ! Words cannot describe how I feel – marvellous, magnificent, coming clean, invigorated, and any other words that you can think of mind! These lungs are made for breathing and that’s just what they’re doing – breathing now, free and easy and getting rid of all the horrible yucky stuff that for some unknown reason this person decided to put here over the years. Slow job getting rid but we are doing it and hopefully, before long, we will be totally free and clear and can join in the celebrations with everything else when we celebrate that first year anniversary of not smoking. Don’t think I can add much to what everyone else has said but it’s just so wonderful that not only has this person stopped but they are helping others to stop as well. They are supporting them and letting them know all the benefits of not smoking so it’s just a pity that they can’t overhear our conversation here but you never know the other persons may read this so our message will get through. STAY STOPPED – IT IS SO WORTH IT!

Now me personally think that these conversations could actually take place as we all know that our body and mind are absolutely fantastic things so perhaps unbeknown to us, all our ‘bits’ are joining with all our friends on this site to give us the encouragement, help and support we need to carry on this arduous journey and see it through right to the end. I do so hope that this be true but with all the friends we have here, I think the answer is a foregone conclusion, a resounding YES!

I hope you have enjoyed this little ‘tale’ and it has put a smile in your head and on your lips.

Have a lovely smoke free evening everyone and enjoy whatever you’re doing. For once, I am going to watch the TV as I want to watch the animal award programme on ITV at 8 pm ‘cos I love all animals!

I look forward, hopefully, to reading your comments in the morning which will then set me up for the rest of the day as tomorrow is a full day’s work for me.

Good night all, sweet dreams and take care. REMEMBER WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER AND TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT!

Kath (Buttons52)

PS Pic taken at 10.30 pm last night and if you look closely you can see me waving to you all!!?!!

4 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

HI Kath

Loved the tale and you sure did put a smile on my face. Stay strong and look forward to reading more of your wonderful blogs

Sue xx

simplyem profile image

I love it and it put a smile on my face and cheered me up coz when i get up today i will have toput up with the other half smoking which i find really hard.......

Betts profile image

Thanks Kath :) I needed this tonic this morning, was a bit blue despite being on holiday, needed a hand up, and there you were!

Well, we have hired bikes, and a bit saddlesore, but, yes! My lungs can do it so much better now than they would have before. And there's more oxygen in my blood to help get these legs pushing those pedals! Onwards and upwards all!

And now there's a smile on my face too.

Keep strong all, in it together, keeping each other strong :)

EmJay profile image

Kath, this is brilliant :-) I think that if we could eavesdrop on a conversation between different parts of our body, then this is just what it would be like :-)

I hope you've had a good day in work!

Keep on keeping on, you are doing brilliantly :-)

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