If anyone has seen my reply to jilly girl’s post about quitting and Covid they will know why I quit but here’s a little about my quit journey.
By the time I was admitted to hospital I was in the throes of nicotine addiction withdrawal. They asked many questions and took many tests.
“How far can you normally walk without getting breathless?” asked a nice young doctor. This puzzled me as I’m a runner. i told him I could walk home no problem about 3.5 miles and away he went.
My daughter arrived at 7pm and took one look at me popped out a piece of nicotine gum and shoved it in my hand, a few minutes later I was sat up in bed chatting tears all gone. My daughter knew from the past that I would be suffering, she’s a pharmacist by the way and understands all about what happens when you quit nicotine and how different people react.
Everyone is different and metabolizes nicotine at different speeds, apparently i metabolise it very fast which is why a couple hours without would leave me shaky and irritable.
The gum is amazing, i felt myself relax with every piece. My daughter organised some nrt patches to take home with me.
The patches deliver a constant amount of nicotine to the bloodstream which kept the worst of the irritability away. I still had a bit of gum sometimes.
How did I feel? amazing, over the next couple of weeks my tastes returned and I ate anything and everything, oh those large bars of cheap white chocolate tasted delicious, I’d never been a chocolate eater before but i could down 700 calories most nights, but hey i wasn’t smoking so i was pleased.
I got mouth ulcers, apparently there is something in smoke that discourages these and i obviously have a tendency, oh it hurt to eat most things but i managed and continued to gain weight.
Over time not smoking became the norm and i went through a stage of thinking it was no big deal but when i said this to someone at work she gave me a huge lecture about how amazing i was to finally stop destroying my lungs heart etc etc.
We run, I found I could run and run, 7k then 8k then one day I just carried on and ran 10k not fast not tidy but i did it and then another day i did it again
My blood pressure is lower my cholesterol is lower my resting heart rate is lower and my blood oxygen levels are normal….. a doctor i saw last year was a bit upset because he was sure i had COPD
Now while you were all out there clapping the nhs I had my lung function appointment cancelled i had my smoking cessation clinic appointment cancelled and I was lucky that i didn’t need a doctor for anything else as they weren’t seeing people due to Covid.
Lockdown ended, shops re opened, I continued to run and celebrate being able to breathe deeply and not wheeze any more.
The weight? I put on a stone and a half but over the last few months have shed just over half a stone.
It hasn’t been easy, some days my irritability showed through but time passes and it was my gift to me in 2020 which has given me a new lease on life,
I love not smoking! oh the money i’ve saved? I spent it on a car one i couldn’t have afforded if i’d still smoked, this year new windows and a lovely trip up north to see Willows son.
I am Sola, Willow still smokes but I’d never criticize him for that, he will stop when he’s ready.
Joining in here and reading posts has helped so much, especially in the early days.
If you’re thinking about stopping think of the benefits and work through the challenges one at a time.
Good luck in your journey all
Life is like a winding river and without smoking it will continue to wind for longer