After trying many times how do I try again kn... - Quit Support

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After trying many times how do I try again knowing I might fail again

Rockyroad profile image
8 Replies
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Rockyroad profile image
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8 Replies
thenunn profile image

Hi Rocky :) how do you try again knowing I might fail again ? YOU DON'T. | You change your perspective,you try again knowing you might Not fail again , you try again because you really want to stop and no matter how hard it gets in quit,you do not give in to nic again , you do it knowing if you give in again to nic you will be right back where you are now..wanting to quit. So you do the head work,you get yourself to that place and chisel your way through and achieve control of your life and enjoy being smoke free,being richer,having less wrinkles etc etc.

And yes you too can do it..millions have so why not you . :) Good luck and go for it ..jan

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Most of us on this site have tried and failed on numerous occasions, me too many to count, but with the help of the lovely people on this site, (when I have a craving I just get the laptop out and read the posts until the craving has gone), I have now managed 3 weeks. You can do it I have smoked for over 44 years and so have many on this site who have now stopped. Nic is always in the background, just keep saying I won't give in and if you do just get up dust yourself down and try again. Good luck suecx

EmJay profile image

Hi Rockyroad, the more times you keep at it, the more likely you are to succeed :-)

Every-time that you have set a quit date in the past and gone back onto smoking please try and see each time as a practice attempt for the real thing. Don't see it as you failing.

Planning, planning, planning is the key to long-term success :-)

One of the best things to do beforehand is to plan.

- Sit down and have a think about all your reasons for wanting to stop smoking, even consider any reasons why you feel you may want to continue to smoke.

- Consider all your past quit attempts. Where do you feel it went wrong for you? What were the positive parts to you trial runs? How long did you manage to stay stopped for? What were your reasons for returning to smoking?Can you remember the thought process you went through before actually lighting up the very next cigarette that led you back to full-time smoking again?

Have a read through the following blog so that you can learn to understand which part of smoking you believe that satisfies you;


Rockyroad, you are on the right track to getting to where you want to be. It may not be easy, but everyone says that its worth it :D

Rockyroad profile image
Rockyroad in reply to EmJay

Hi thanks for the advice planning to try in two weeks so i,ll start planning and writing it down

nixy profile image
nixy27 Months Winner

Rockyroad, give it another go when you feel ready and take any help available. I am on champix which I have used several times before, also used patches and other things. I think I gave in to easily the other times, but this time I really will stop, 10 weeks now. So give it another go you havenothing to loose and a great deal to gain. You will find plenty of help on here. Good luck for two weeks time.

tomc profile image

You may feel you have failed! but you managed to stop on that occasion and other stops over a period of time. WELL DONE.

Look at this as success and a run up to the final non smoker goal.

I tried for ten YES ten years to stop, I have bad lungs ( not through smoking) and have always had empty pockets.

Think of the health benefits, you already pay tax, why pay more by smoking.

Keep trying and each time, you will stop for longer and longer and one day FOR GOOD.

Your worth it.


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Rocky, seems like I dont live tooooo far away from you :)

Rite then, for a start I think you really have to '' want '' to quit for it to work, so sit yourself down, when its nice and quiet :) then write down why you want to smoke :o then write down why you want to quit :) I assure you the later list will be a whole lot longer than the first :) if not, then you dont want to quit :o good luck Rocky, speak soon :)

Pete :)

Try and remember the time when you were a young child... Bet you didn't smoke then? I went all through my School years and never smoked. ( A long, long time ago I know).

Every day - give it your best shot. Doesn't matter how long you try, or how long it takes. It's one good thing I can take to bed with me every night... knowing I did my best that day, even when I wasn't successful. You get a fresh chance every day... then one day - it'll happen for you. Good Luck.

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