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Well, I did warn everyone that I was blogging tonight and if they had it in the Olympics, I am sure I would be in with a very good chance of a gold medal! What do you think?

For those of you who haven’t the stamina to stay the whole length of the blog, the joke is at the end so feel free to cheat but am very hopeful that you will, once you start reading, find this is so interesting/absorbing/so genuinely brilliant that you carry on to the completion/bitter end.

How’s your day been? Good? Bad? Indifferent? So-so? Horrible? Sad? Happy? Hopefully everyone has had a brilliant day with Mr. Nic not making an appearance either in body or in mind. Just one waver for me today as we were sent home early from work and himself was having a smoke when I got home and I thought ‘yes, I could just smoke that’ but clamped my mouth shut (yes unusual for me but for the best) and thus managing to restrain myself I went straight in the house. I really did teeter or should that be totter on the very edge – a slight breeze could have sent me either way! Could smell it and although it wasn’t/didn’t find it particularly pleasant if he had offered, I think that the chances are I would have caved in. One to me I think and nil points for Nic! Shudder when I think just how close a call it was as I don’t think I am strong enough to start from day 1 again.

Now having said the above, I suppose in a way thinking about writing it down gave me an idea for tonight’s blog. How strong are we? I don’t mean physical strength but how strong do you reckon you are in your mind? To go ten rounds with Henry Cooper (the only boxer whose name I can think of/know at this present moment in time) would, for probably all of us, be impossible. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t even get in the ring as I would have absolutely no chance whatsoever even with a mini flyweight (which I think is a boxer that weighs a maximum of 7.1/2 stone). Would you call yourself strong mentally? I think if we were all honest, the chances that we would say either no or not sure. Well, I have news for you all – you are mentally the strongest people I know and I will tell you why. You are fighting a raging war which you are determined you are going to win but this war is so different to most wars as there is no physical contact between you and your opponent. Now each and every one of you are fighting the same one opponent which obviously gives you all a distinct advantage but he is cunning, devious, underhand and not a very pleasant chap at all and this is putting it quite mildly really. All wars have rules of engagement but this opponent, and for ease of identification we’ll call him Mr. Nic (very tongue in cheek with the Mr. but sarcasm is sometimes a great leveller), does not abide by any rules – he will do and try to do anything because he wants/needs to win no matter the cost to you! Every single time we say NO thank you, a little bit more of him evaporates and if we all carry on saying NO thank you, he will vanish completely and although on occasion he may try to come back (a bit like an itch you can’t physically scratch) we will still have the power/upper hand to make him vanish again and again! TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS!

We all have our own ways of fighting Mr. Nic and we help each other by sharing/telling how we do it and because of this it is a battle that he cannot win and we cannot allow him to win – there is strength in numbers and we are therefore the stronger and together we will get him out of our lives once and for all.

Soap box now put away for another day – sorreeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s still snowing like the clappers – in fact it’s never stopped since about 2 am this morning. Strange part is that it seems to be only over the top of us as to each side and above and below, there is none! Mother Nature is certainly doing her best to let us know who is in charge and at the moment she seems to be winning, here in this part of the UK, hands down.

Will someone please let me know what our illustrious chancellor did with the price of cigs in his budget? My other half keeps telling me that he watched the entire budget (he really should get a life that is just so sad!!) and he didn’t mention cigs once and he is convinced that he hasn’t put the price up whereas one of the lads at work has said that a 20 packet has gone up 26p! Can’t find anything on this subject anywhere (hey may be getting better on the computer but still a dunce 99.9% of the time!) so if someone would please, please put me out of my misery then I would be eternally grateful. I only want to know so that I know how much to put in my retirement account!! Thank you.

I find it extremely strange that, like GeordieQuitter, reading what’s on or writing to put on this board does not make me want a cigarette! It is the strangest thing – weird but absolutely wonderful – as I also find that I can talk to people (myself usually as no-one else listens and apart from you lot, I haven’t any friends – aahh! Diddums, poor me! - you've all heard of Johnnie no friends, well I'm Joanna - the female with no friends) Why is this – not my lack of friends, why can we read, write and talk about ciggies without getting the craving/needing/wanting? Perhaps we need someone (on site/side) who can psychoanalyze our thoughts and possibly our dreams as well, because since giving up I have had some really, really strange dreams - is anyone else having strange dreams or is it just me? Something else, is anybody else experiencing strange sleep patterns? For me, I usually go to bed about 10 o’clock (as you don’t know me I can tell you why – I really, really, need my beauty sleep) and whilst I have no trouble getting to sleep, I find myself waking up anytime between 2 and 3 o’clock in the morning and then ‘cat-napping’ for maybe 10 minutes at a time perhaps 6 or 7 times but not sleeping properly and then getting up at 5.30 am and just feeling absolutely kn** err cream crackered! If anyone else is suffering/was suffering the same or similar, any tips you can pass on would be much appreciated.

Right, I have definitely, positively said enough and gone on for far too long so I am going to finish now with a cracker of a joke – well I think it’s one of the better ones – hope you all do too and that it brings a smile to your face or maybe even makes you LOL (I have now bookmarked an internet slang interpretation page so now I know what LOL actually means!).

I do not know if this is a true story or not – could be or may not be – but whether it is or it isn’t, I do hope you enjoy it!

During the recent snowfalls, a pre-school teacher was helping one of the children put on his Wellington boots. She pulled and pushed and had built up quite a sweat by the time she eventually got them on. Then he said: “Miss, they're on the wrong feet.”

Sure enough, they were, and it wasn’t any easier pulling them off than it had been putting them on. She kept her cool as she put them back, this time on the right feet, only for him to tell her: “These aren’t my Wellies.” She bit her tongue and again started the process of removing the ill-fitting boots. No sooner were they off than he said: “They’re my brother’s Wellies. My mum made me wear them.”

The teacher took a deep breath and started all over again, pushing and pulling, until they were back on his feet.

Helping him into his coat, she asked: “Now, where are your gloves?”

He said: “I stuffed them in the toes of my Wellies, Miss.”

I will let your imagination provide the reply of Miss – answers on a postcard please – no joking apart if you can think of a suitable reply for Miss than can be posted on here then I would be really pleased to read it as I am sure others would as well and if I could think of a prize that was appropriate for everyone I would offer it but as I can’t, I won’t, but surely having your name in print is worth something!!!


Have a great nights sleep everyone with sweet dreams.

Take care


PS May be late on in the morning as I have a feeling we will (all in our road) be snow shoveling - delightful!?!

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monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Buttons, this might explane your dreams, its one of Emjays blogs :) :)

Vivid dreams when stopping smoking? Heres why...

Posted by EmJay ROY CASTLE

11 Jan 2013


For those of you who are newly quit, I thought I'd repost the following...

James, one of our lovely Stop Smoking Advisors has found some information that I thought you might all find interesting;

Vivid dreams are found to not be a side effect from stop smoking products. It has been discovered through research that it is part of the recovery process. The brain begins to repair itself and reverse damage caused from smoking. Neurobiologists have discovered that brain cells sprout new axons and nerve fibres during dream sleep. A chemical named serotonin in the brain triggers the brain to dream.

Smoking depletes serotonin production in the brain. When serotonin levels in the brain are balanced it creates a happy and contented state of mind. When serotonin levels are low a depressed and anxious state of mind is created. It is believed that smoking cigarettes can deplete serotonin levels by up to 50%. What compounds this problem is that the brain accepts the chemicals in a cigarette as a serotonin substitute on the basis that any chemical response is better than no chemical response at all. So therefore, when an individual stops smoking, serotonin production improves and the brain begins to compensate itself for lost serotonin production. The brain then produces more serotonin than needed, resulting in vivid dreams and nightmares.

Research has shown that it takes the brain 3 weeks to regulate serotonin levels.

Further research suggests that with an increase in serotonin levels there must be an increase in oxygen levels too. When a person stops smoking, carbon monoxide no longer takes priority over oxygen on the red blood cells. As a result of this change, oxygen levels of the individual increase. More oxygen is carried around the body and to the brain. When the stop smoker sleeps there is a higher percentage of oxygen reaching the brain than when they where a smoker. This process helps promote a process called rapid eye movement (REM) while sleeping. REM is an important process in dream production along with serotonin production.

It is essential to reassure a client that the first three weeks of a quit attempt are crucial. Vivid dreams are all part and parcel of the recovery process and the pathway to a healthier life style.

It is a positive symptom as it is the brains way of repairing itself and returning to a better deeper sleep.

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Don't you dare stop the blogs, I look forward to switching on the computer and reading them :)

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