Just to while away a few minutes .... - Quit Support

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Just to while away a few minutes ....

3 Replies

Hello everyone It would seem that I'm not the only one that has survived this Monday - but the lucky ones have been able to keep popping there and back not just to see how far it is but to add to the interesting reads already blogged. That's the one drawback to my place of work - no computers - not a one, not even a labtop - sometimes it is a blessing but other times it would make my life so much simpler. Now don't you lot go thinking that we have no modern equipment as we have - two electric typewriters (one for me and one for my colleague - we are the only two that comprise the office) and a fax machine (which we share - ah!). They work fine with a regular service and the occasional mend due to breakdown (through overwork) whereas we two operatives just need regular drink and food breaks.

I am pleased to report that still no ciggies have been partaken of so day 8 has/is a good day and it does seem to get easier and personally, don't think I will ever be completely free of the wanting as opposed to needing that fix but the more days that go by the more pleased I am with myself that I am still winning the battle and intend to carry on doing so until it keels over and surrenders! Take heart all who are just starting this epic journey - if I can make it so far then so can you - this site, to me anyway, is the best invention since sliced bread (and know I don't know what bread has to do with it but it seems to read very well and it has perhaps got you thinking what is she on about? Definitely lost it so lets just humour her for the time being?! Without this site and the absolutely wonderful people on it I don't think I would have survived day 1 let alone got to day 8 - THANKS EVERYONE from the bottom of my heart!

Have also managed to stay out of the biscuit tin today and been really good and had some fresh fruit instead. Still has the same effect as biscuits, after partaking of food I want a ciggie but too much to loose if I give in and an awful lot more to gain if I don't. Have decided that the money I won't be spending on ciggies will go into a separate account and go towards (hopefully early) retirement for me. Me and him have never had his and hers all our married lives but this was his suggestion so that it is kept separate and we see it grow. Working on £7 per day so will round it up to £50 a week and may even put it up to £60 after the budget as certain cigs will go up as they always do - stuff the Department of Works and Pensions who wrote to me (and no doubt 1000s of others - what a waste of taxpayers money) months ago to say that not happy with putting my retirement age up from 60 to 65 two years ago, they are now saying that I can't retire (actually what they say is I can't have my state pension) until I'm 66 by which time I will have paid in for 53 years!! My next door neighbour is not yet 40 and she has been told that she can't retire until she's 68 which considering she is nearly 20 years younger than me seems absolutely ludicrous that she only (so far anyway) has to work 2 more years than me. Unbelievable but true! Better get off my soap box now or I will be here all night - sorry folks!

Will be finishing this off shortly as I want to finish the jumper that I talked about the other day - got the v neck finished, and the armband on one side so only one more to do and then it can be sewn up. Will take a pic when it's done and post it with my usual long (and probably boring) blog. Knitting has kept my fingers busy but crosswords not only keep my fingers on the go but also keep my brain going. Have learnt ever so many new words over the last few days - look up beryl in your dictionary - bet you didn't know that or did you? Anything that keeps my mind occupied is great - have a breadmaker in the loft (been there about 5 or 6 years and never even opened the box) so may get that down over Easter and have a go at some (nearly) homemade bread. Any more suggestions (but polite ones only please) will be gratefully received

Hopefully to close on a good giggle - with apologies to all the lady drivers out there - but this really tickled me - hubby reckons that I have a very strange sense of humour - what do you think?

In the pub yesterday, I heard a couple of blokes saying that they wouldn't feel safe on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was a woman. What a pair of sexists. I mean, it's not as if she'd have to reverse the thing!

And on that note, I will say goodnight to everyone, sweet dreams and remember saying NO thank you is not offensive and TIME IS PRECIOUS, WASTE IT WISELY.

Thinking of Sue and wishing a speedy recovery to her and sending as many positive vibes as I am able.

Take care all,


3 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good evening Buttons :) ha ha love it gal, you keep rattling on gal if it helps you :) :)

Just wondered if you can get on the internet on your mobile phone ?? then you could have a peep at the site now and then :)

Stay with it Buttons, cos your doing just fab gal :) you are :) :)

Speak tomorrow :)

Hi Monky Thanks for the reply. Just one question though - what's a mobile phone?

You sure you don't have a telex machine stashed away somewhere in that office of yours Buttons? Sounds very relaxing if you ask me, just yourself and an electric typewriter. No eye strain, no mouse strain, no faff - simples :) Wanna swap jobs?

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