Hello again! Like a bad penny I keep turning... - Quit Support

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Hello again! Like a bad penny I keep turning up and nattering away .....

4 Replies

Well, it's now coming up to 6 pm on Sunday, 17th March, and in just over 3.3/4 hours, I will have reached the milestone of 7 whole days with not a one cigarette! Can't believe it myself never mind anyone else but, yep, positive vibes and the help of some really lovely people, I have been and gone and done it. Not got the tee-shirt yet but I'm onna my way!!! I honestly was dreading this weekend because well I don't really know why but it's not been too bad at all. Yes there have been times when my brain told me I wanted a ciggie and this to me is progress as at one time I would have said my brain is constantly telling me that I NEED a ciggie. But thinking of you all and the fact that you are going through/have gone through the same or very similar coupled with the fact that I would have had to tell everyone and the world that I had fallen from grace kept me on the straight and narrow. My Mum used to have a saying, which was, "he who fights (the craving) and runs away (turns their back and goes away), lives to fight another day (is ready for the next time the craving comes a knocking)".

Sorting out my ironing (a job I just absolutely adore, I don't think) for some reason my brain/mind began to wander as it does when you're enjoying yourself. Don't know why but the Richard Branson advert for Virgin Airlines came into my head and although I don't think these are the exact words of the song, am sure you will get the general idea. 'It's a new day, a new dawn and I'm feeling good' (de de-de da-da de-da - this is music by the way). Now don't get me wrong, I am no gorgeous young chick with an hour glass figure but most of the time since quitting, I do feel good and over-active imagination or not, if thinking I could be a star of the Virgin commercial helps me get through this then so be it!

Hate to tell everyone but it's Monday again tomorrow so back to work for me and I would think a few others. Never mind, it will soon be Easter and hopefully we will all have a few days off and I think the clocks go forward Easter Sunday so although we loose the hour at least we will get more daylight.

One problem I do find that I have is that I could eat and eat and eat and eat and eat - need I go on. Anyone else have the same problem? If so, tips on conquering this would be very much appreciated. Finding the willpower for two addictions will not be easy but will try. Problem arises in that I needed to loose weight when I was (a lot) younger on doc's orders (well I was rather large even if I do say so myself and although I won't tell you exactly how much I weighed what I will tell you is that I was over 15 stone and at 5'5" that is not good). So to stop eating cakes and other such delights at break and dinner times, I started having two or three cigarettes. Daft but it seemed logical at the time.

Well folks, better let you get some rest and prepare for another no smoking day tomorrow. We can do this as together we are so strong we are invincible. Remember people, NO thank you should not cause offence to anyone and TIME IS PRECIOUS SO WASTE IT WISELY. Thinking of you all and special thoughts and a special prayer for Sue tonight - keep strong girl, we are all (each and every one of us) rooting for you!

Take care and sweet dreams when you go to bed!


4 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Buttons you natter away gal :P :P :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hey Buttons, your not a bad penny gal, I love reading your blogs, erm you express yourself so erm clearly :) :) I wish I could do that :o :)

Ok then Buttons so your cuddly, so whats up with that then :o :) instead of snacking on bics and cakes, try chopped carrot, apple, pear etc, :) just try it twice a week, then 3 times a week, and so on :)

What about exercise :o do you do any !!

Emjay posted this a bit ago, just may help you :)


Morning, Ive just found a great link via NHS Choices you might want to have a nosie on it;


I've also just discovered that Health Unlocked have got a new weight loss community. It doesn't look like its fully up and running yet but I'm sure it will soon have lots of members It can be found with the above link. :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer


Fags1 profile image

You are not turning up like a bad penny, you are keeping off the ciggies and if that means chattering away to us lot well so be it. It is interesting to hear what others are going through and how they are dealing with the nagging cravings and the urges to eat everything in sight or to run around with a traffic cone on your head making fire engine noises.It helps us all to realise "It's not just me then.

Personally, I make egg lollies. You simply push a stick into an egg then freeze it. They taste crap but they are so easy to make, I use rabbit eggs but any old eggs will do..

Well done on your first week.

And keep it up.

Dave :)

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