If you know anyone who is struggling to keep warm this winter this site looks very useful.
If you know anyone who is struggling to keep warm this winter this site looks very useful.
Hi Jillygirl, thats just ace gal
This is you
although you are suffering yourself, you are still thinking about other people all the time
Love the site and you too gal xxxxxx
I doubt its not just the elderly that is struggling jilly.
I am 30 and dont have heating on through the day because we just cant afford to heat out house
I wear leggings under my jeans and thermal socks, a vest and a heavy cosy jumper and go round with a hot water bottle.
On a good day the thermometer says 15c with no heating, just last week it was down to 9c
When the heating comes on at 3 i put the sitting room one off and shut the door and only put it on if we are in there.
I put the kitchen one off between 5 and 6, depending on when we have had out tea then i shut the door.
We really only have the hall heating on and that is for 6 hours at most.
We are not eligble for any help because stewart earns enough (or so the government thinks) to be able to afford such things.
I for one will be glad when the weather gets a bit better, fingers crossed we get a decent summer this year
Hi Sarah have you tried contacting your energy supplier , to pay in a different way.
Not being nosey. xx
We change suppliers a lot to get the best deals and get fixed trrms whennit is cheap.
We pay by direct debit for what we use, stewart puts our meter reading into the suppliers by email every quarter, i think it is the cheapest paying by direct debit, you get discount dont you?
We go without quite a lot here.
My kids wear second hand clothes which we get given, my mum did buy them some new stuff at xmas right enough. I also wear second hand clothes, havent bought anything new for years
We eat store brand food, if i make food i will eat the stuff till it is finished if i cant freeze it.
We are just having a bad time and have done since july/august, Im sure it will get better soon,
yes i know what you mean Mad, cos we just had 1 coal fire in the house, ha ha I can remember our bedroom windows with frost on the inside
Yeah i do hope it gets better soon.
Stew stopped smoking years ago, he has his e-cig, he occasionally has a fag but can take them or leave them, lucky him eh?
Unfortunately we do need our car, we live 4 miles away from the village, and 20 miles away from the supermarkets/town.
In the better weather i am hoping wo take the bike to work which will save lots and get me fit.
There is so much Iam willing to live without to just get by.
Heres hoping for a windfall!!
I so hope things get better for you and your family Sarah ((((hugs))))