Today was my birthday but more importantly i havent had a fag for 2 wks...
My mum wrote this in my card. It made my day
Today was my birthday but more importantly i havent had a fag for 2 wks...
My mum wrote this in my card. It made my day
Happy Birthday Nicette, I bet your Mum must be so proud of you.
Well done on getting to 2 weeks too. Are you going out to celebrate tonight?
Thanx andi22, my mum is chuffed to bits that ive packed in as im the black sheep (lol) its be very rare ive made my mum proud and it gives me such a buzz to know i night in for me nice n quiet away from smelly fags....
A big well done Nicette to getting to 2 whole weeks in your quit program
and i bet your well chuffed as well as your Mam
And seeing as your having a night in on your Birthday, here's a little pressie for you, I hope you like cake
You keep strong now Nicette, you will do this
Thanx pete. I sooooooooo love cake x
ha ha , i'm sorry Nicette but just spotted that you say your the black sheep of the family snap gal, cos i was erm well still am i think
thats why i like to be called Pete, and not Peter, cos if my mam or dad shouted Peter
i new it was time to scarper, and let them coooooool down a bit
but if they called Pete
i new i was ok to go home
Stupid or what
Hey Nicette, Hapy Birthday!
Hope you had a lovely day today. We are as proud of you as your mom is for remaining smoke free for so long
Happy Birthday for yesterday hope you had a nice day
Happy Birthday and well done for stopping smoking
Happy belated birthday. I hope you had a lovely smokefree birthday. Well done on your two weeks quit x