So I’m about 2 weeks into cold turkey and now is when the withdrawal has peaked for me. Prior to this I was using 60 mg of salt based nicotine through a vape device for a year all day, every day. Surprisingly I did not experience any withdrawal during the first week of trying to quit which made me think it would be easy, but I was wrong. On the second week my mood was beginning to change drastically and my anxiety levels peaked to an uncomfortable level. I would experience feelings of depression, to extreme rage, within the hour. Overall i can say the withdrawal for salt based nicotine is intense, but can be tolerable if you occupy your mind with other things.
Quitting salt based nicotine : So I’m about... - Quit Support
Quitting salt based nicotine

Hi Kushwaffles, Well done for your decision to quit.👏
Welcome to Quit Support.💙
Personally I have never used salt based nicotine or vaped but from what I've heard lately it's not easy to quit.Nicotine is a highly addictive drug. 60mg is a very high dose, I believe it's equivalent to more than a packet of cigarettes.
This is the only link I could find,if you can't manage cold turkey there are alternatives.
If you need any help please don't hesitate to ask. There's always someone here and some of our members are quitting vaping.
If you let us know the exact date you began your quit we can assign you a winners' badge and update our database.
Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭xx
So 2 months ago I stated slowly bringing down the nicotine strength until I was at 20mg. That’s when I decided to cut it cold turkey. The reason I started vaping in the first place was because of high school. All my friends were vaping in the washrooms at school so I decided to give it a try, creating the worst addiction of my life. Before my first vape hit I never smoked a cigarette. I was sully obsessed with the massive head rush I would get off of a 50 mg vape rip and I completely disregarded the health risks that came with using nicotine. Now im 18 years old and out of highschool and I’m just realizing now the damage that nicotine causes on the body and really want to quit.
I think that you did well to lower the nicotine over 2 months to 20mg but I think you could have lowered it even further over a longer period of time. 20mg is still quite high.
I hope you can manage cold turkey but keep your options open. If it becomes impossible there are other nicotine replacements available. such as gum,lozenges, patches. I suggest you read the pinned posts there's lots of answers there. xx
Yes I know, 20mg is still A LOT of nicotine. My original plan was to cut the strength down to 6 mg, but my mom was constantly heckling me saying that she doesn’t see how I’m quitting and it doesn’t look like it’s working because she’s expecting it to be some fast process. So I wanted to prove to her that I can cut it cold turkey. It’s very hard right now but I can definitely pull it off!

Dear kush, congrats on your cold turkey. Yes it's hard. Nothing worthwhile comes easy😜 but you have started and with support you will be a non smoker. Keep us close, and stay strong😊💪

Absolutely well done on your decision to quit the salt based nicotine, at 18 you have all of your life in front of you which can and will be a happy healthy life without that horrible crutch.
Your withdrawals will be the same as any smoker wishing to quit, some have it easy, some don't. What I would say is keep strong, determined and busy and over time it will get easier.
You'll find lots of useful tips and information in the pinned posts which will help you and keep this forum close for support.
Bye for now

Hi Kush and welcome to Quit Support
Congrats on your cold turkey quit👍
You’ve made the best decision and can be very proud of yourself.
You have a great future ahead of you and life is so much better without this addiction, well done👌

Good work on the cold turkey quit. I’m one day in and already finding it hard! It will be so so worth it. Stick at at 💪 don’t let the vape rule you!!!
have you stayed strong on cold turkey?