Don't get it!!!: Hi all Hope every one is well... - Quit Support

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Don't get it!!!

Jmatheron profile image
β€’33 Replies

Hi all

Hope every one is well? Been 19 days for me now and can't say I'm feeling any better? Everyone is saying how great they feel? Yet I feel so down and I literally have pains everywhere. 😭😭 I'm still saying nope, but is it normal to feel this way? An for how long?


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Jmatheron profile image
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33 Replies
glolin profile image

It is very normal to feel how you are feeling...we all quit differently and experience different symptoms of our bodies recovering so it is hard to put any timelines.

Some people are fine the whole time..some it takes weeks and others it takes a few months....but ther is one thing very common is that no matter what we all passes and it is all worth itπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

You are doing brilliantly - see this time as a healing phase and be patient - it is a roller coaster ride..but so worth it to take back the control....plan how you will spend your smoke money πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Have a read of the pinned posts as there is lots of helpful info there πŸ˜€πŸ˜€βœ…βœ…πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to glolin

Thanks for your response, my anxiety is terrible, i just wanna burst out crying. 😭😭

Briarwood profile image

Hi J and yes unfortunately what you're feeling is very normal☹️

It's honestly early days yet and your body really takes time to recover.Β 

understanding the feel good chemicals in the brain (a pinned post you can read) will help you understand why you feel this way. Your body is going through a huge change so please be patient. We need to find new ways to increase our happy chemicals. Excerise is a good way of doing this. Try and drink lots of water to flush out the toxins. The first few weeks are the hardest so be very proud of yourself. Nearly 3 weeks is a great achievement. There is light at the end of the tunnel so stay positive and you'll get there, one day at a time🚭🚭😊

droopyJ profile image

Hi j, your doing fabulously πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Unfortunately you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms..... They could last a while or they could be gone by the morning... Luck of the draw I'm afraid 😟 It's our penance for abusing our bodies for sooooo long... It's payback time! But as glolin says, it's definitely worth it so hang on in there πŸ˜ŠπŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸš­πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Atlantida profile image
Atlantida3 YEAR WINNER

Hi J, it is normal! 19 days is a great success but it's early days. I myself, for instance, had a terrible time around my fourth week - things seemed to be going backwards instead of onwards, but I made it and so will you! So sorry to hear about your pains, it must be crappy. Hang in there, you'll see this through.

adidas1961 profile image

Keep it up your body is healing itself.......πŸŽ–πŸŽ–πŸŽ–πŸŽ–

Trollness profile image
Trollness10 MONTH WINNER

Hi the anxiety that one feels can be horrific. I experienced some of it so I went to health store and bought Ltyrosine and it actually worked. You need to welcome every side effect and feeling as if you don't you are allowing mr nicotine to take a seat in your head and eventually he will be back living in it permanently.My husband quit and had little or no side effects whereas I had horrendous pains everywhere for weeks, insomnia and bloating a clear indication that a one size does not fit all.Β 

Bevie1968 profile image

Yes it's normal I feel this same way felt good at the beginning but crap now ,but hang in there from what the guys on here say it does get better remember our bodies are repairing that's why we feel crappy .lolΒ 

Mazzie14 profile image

Hiya and hopefully you'll have realised from the rest of our quit family that what your going through is totally normal n unfortunately par for the course n I'm just adding my voice to that. I've found good days, bad days n the bad days made easier by reading posts on here to give me strength to keep saying nope and realisation I'm not alone in this in going through some of the effects of withdrawal and for some of us not a quick or easy process. Read as much as you can, loads on this site, for me that's helped, forearmed is forewarned so to speak. Stay close to site for support when u need it and wishing u all the very best, you can do it and there are plenty of good days aheadΒ 

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya J, I've just reposted a post for you called - '' Understanding the feel good chemicals in your brain '' - Β 

A hormone called Serotonin, which a happy hormone is normally made by our brains, BUT, when we smoked, this hormone was mimicked by some of the toxins in a ciggie, soooooo, our brains didnt need to make it anymore !!Β 

Now we have quit smoking, our brains are no longer getting these toxins, sooooo, it has to start to make the hormone Serotonin itself again !! and this process can take some time, but you can help your brain along :) Get as much sunlight as you can :) exercising :) and eat food rich in Carbohydrates :)Β 

J, could you please let me know your quit date, cos I dont seem to have it ?? then I can keep your Winners badge upto date, thankyou Β :) Β  Β 

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Hi thanks, very interesting read. Quit day 21st March.Β 


Sandie51 profile image

Your doing fantastic, as everyone else of the quit family has said unfortunately the withdrawal symptoms are horrible and at times it is mind over matter believe me there was a time I thought I couldn't do it but I just took one day at a time. And again well done for quitting πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Hey Jm,

I felt like hell the first month... Sweats, nausea, aching muscles , exhaustion, depression ... My cravings were HUGE..... Then after the nicotine withdrawal , I had intense psychological dependence still hanging on for 5 months... PLEEEASE be patient and don't light up.... Some people feel better after the first month but others suffer...everyone's different..... Are you on the patch , gum etc??? Β I went cold turkey but one week I chewed the gum because my withdrawal symptoms were too intense .... Hang in there... It gets easier coming from a person who believed I'd never quit...πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Β 

Not One Puff

1puff = 1pack


Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Hi no patches I to went cold turkey, it's hard cause I hardly think of a cigarette now but yet am still feeling all sorts of aches and pains, I thought it would be hard to give because I'd want a cigarette but I'm finding hard to give up because I feel so down and aches an pains everywhere.Β 

I know I just need to ride it out but I hope it goes soon cause I'm a nervous wreck thinking negative bout everything.Β 

Jo xx

in reply to Jmatheron

Yep ... Aches and pains for sure but I'm glad you're not thinking of lighting up... I was always thinking about smoking... It was awful... I was scared I'd never quit but I kept my reason close... Stroke and COPD after getting to know everyone battling COPD but stroke runs in Β my family among women smokers.... Welcome πŸ’

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Did you have aches an pains to?Β 

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to Jmatheron

I would go and have a word with your GP there might be another reason for the way you are feeling. Nothing to do with stopping smoking take care x

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to Nottobad

Hi been to see gp back on anti depressants as of Monday.Β 

in reply to Jmatheron

The antidepressant will help you with your anxiety and probably the aches and pains πŸ‘πŸ»

Good decision 🌹

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to Jmatheron

Me too hope they help you take care x

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to Nottobad

Have they helped you? Xx

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to Jmatheron

I have only been on them since Tuesday. I have to go back to see GP in two weeks. I have been feeling down for a long time due to medical conditions. And finally plucked up the courage to do something about it x

in reply to Nottobad

It takes a few weeks for antidepressants to kick in, but I think that is a wise decision ... Anything, in my opinion that will ease the quit journey is well worth a try πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’

Jmatheron profile image

I really didn't want to go back on to the anti depressants been fighting with my self along time about it, Β as I manage to come off them, but maybe some people r wired differently an just need a little help you know... Because I certainly felt better on them hence why I have said enough is enough an am going back to them. They do make me feel better, I hope youget on ok with them.Β 


Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to Jmatheron

Everyone is different don't think any less of your self. Everyone copes differently with things. Maybe you came off them to early. My mum suffered from depression and was on tablets all her life. And that may happen to me because my medical problems are not curable. And I need all the help I can get to manage them. X

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to Nottobad

Thanks nottobad, I'm sorry to here that. U guys r all so great. Thank you all for ur help.


jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER

Hi love, I felt like crying for the first 4 weeks, everything would set me off and I had a constant lump in my throat! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you will be fine, it is just your body getting used to not smoking anymore. Keep your spirits up, and I hope it passes for you soon! Your doing awesome :) so let's keep it that way!Β 

Jmatheron profile image

Yea I can't talk to any of the people I'm close to cause I feel like bursting into tears... Yet when I'm at work an talking to customers I'm fine so strange. You have done great can't wait to get to a month with no smoking... I think a lot is in my head an just need to forget about it an move on.... Haven't been to gym for 4weeks maybe exercise will hell me out a bit. Do u vape? I keep thinking about it but not sure? Xxx

Sandie51 profile image
Sandie51 in reply to Jmatheron

Your doing fantastic JM, honestly I was a nightmare first 3 weeks, when I got into my fourth week things started to settle down. Β Good idea to start your exercise again and keep drinking water that was recommended to me it does work. I had a vape stick on standby with 0 nicotine liquid but to be honest with you I never used it as I felt I was cheating. My husband has been a great support to me. You are doing well you may not feel like you are because of your mood swings but try and stay positive and you have joined a great group everyone on here knows what you are experiencing and have great advice xxxx πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€

Jmatheron profile image
Jmatheron7 MONTH WINNER in reply to Sandie51

Hi tashaΒ 

Thanks for you response, a lot of people r saying the forth week it gets better so am looking forward to that u r right this is a great support room always someone there to help when u need them. As the day has gone on am feeling more positive hope it lasts. Thanks again πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜¬

Jo xxx

Madalitso profile image
Madalitso10 MONTH WINNER

I'm on day 11 myself the first week was hell trust me.. I felt dizzy headaches insomnia on the first night, I'm on the 24 hr patch was on 21 mg for 7 days now I've gone on 14 mg. I had very bad heart burn Gaviscon helped me. People around me are very supportive no one smokes around me . Today i was 2 hrs in the gym I feel much much better I couldn't exercise at all the first few days I quit my body couldn't didn't take the changes well.

Anyway hang in there pls don't give up if you feel like eating eat don't worry about putting on weight try to eat good food ( chewing celery sticks worked for me) go for a walk put your favourite music on.. You were not born a smoker you will be fine x

Polly-PV profile image

Hi Jm, I can't really add to all the wonderful replies you've had other than a book I can recommend-How to Quit Without Feeling S...t. Β It suggests all sorts of different ways you can address the agony of withdrawal. I think Trollness mentioned L tyrosine which is a natural amino acid as is 5 HTP but you need to check in with your GP before you think about this route if you're on Anti D's. The book is one of the best I've come across in terms of addressing addiction. Much love Poll x

madametobacco49 profile image

Jim--yes it is normal--but it will get better--about the time you think Ive had it--it will let up and you will feel a huge weight lift--I know it is hard right now--but do not give up--I promise you--that you will be so glad you went thru this and will be finally free --Do the work--and you will reap the reward of a healthier body and mind--Im still having rough times--but Im fully invested now and have had enough glimpses of wellness that no stopping me== Please don't give up--MmeT

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