Hi.: Hi everyone. I don't really know where to... - Quit Support

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Gowanjesse profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone. I don't really know where to start; today only makes day 2 of absolutely no smoking or nicotine and I feel like death. My heart feels like it's beating freely though so I've got that going for me. It used to pound heavily from the smoking. My throat feels like it's just about clamped shut making breathing rather difficult at times. Looking around on here it doesn't look like I'm the only one.

I just wanted to join a community with the same mind set to help me through this. This isn't the first time I've tried but it is the first time I made it to day 2 and I want to keep it going.

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Gowanjesse profile image
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16 Replies
madametobacco49 profile image

Welcome,hey GW--im just leaving the house but wanted to say Bravo for opening the doors to a new and cleaner life--It isn't easy but stick with us here and do your best and you will get there--There isn't one of us who hasn't been thru the best and worst of it--some variations but same theme--hard dedicated work and good support and you can do it--So stay close to site--If you slip and fall down--get up,dust yourself off and get going again--Gotta get that brain reprogrammed and rid of physical and mental addiction--so be patient with yourself--We all care--Blessings.MmeT

iris8 profile image

Hi GJesse, Brave action & post. This site is a powerful resource for remaining quit, day at a time. Sometimes that'd be a morning or afternoon for me. Whatever bite size I could do, this brought experiences of the idea to smoke TO PASS! It's a wonderful feeling. No longer sabotaging myself and going against my deeper desire to be SMOKE FREE. Express yourself here, whatever your reality, have a look at the posts to the right. Some great stuff in there: Breathing exercises, information & believe it or not...Humour. I find it important to remember this is a celebration ultimately. Symptoms can be arduous but they pass, no matter how convincing they want us to feel they don't. The testimonies on here tell us otherwise and this is the TRUTH. There's a lot of courageous people on here, stay close-TOGETHER WE CAN :O)

Gowanjesse profile image

Thank you both for your kind words. I felt I needed to write something even if I was a bit rushed at work.

madametobacco49 profile image
madametobacco49 in reply to Gowanjesse

write write write It really helps to know you are connecting-- Someone hears you and usually writes back within a short time--IT just helps to stay close to site--I clung here like a baby that lost its blanky for many weeks--and am still here everyday-at least for a few hrs-It just helps to know it is here--and you are heard--and cared for,,Its going to be alright--Hugs ,MmeT

Briarwood profile image

Hiya Jesse and welcome to quit support😊

Congratulations on your quit👏🏼

We all know how hard it can be and those first few days our bodies are going through so many changes☹️ but hang in there and stay determined. You can do it, good luck🍀 Our mantra is NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭🚭🚭

We all help one another here and it makes a big difference. Here's to day 3😊

nana14 profile image
nana1415 Month Winner

Congrats on 2 days thats better than none. Know how ya feel.. Take it from a 4 month quitter. Still having rough days, but I stuck it out. I fought the cravings. That's gone now just if the breathing issues would subside I'd be much better. But every one says, even my drs, that I'm breathing fine. My body just has to adjust after 36 years of smoking. And my mind just thinks i cant breath. You can do it. I went cold turkey, so I know you can do it.

madametobacco49 profile image
madametobacco49 in reply to nana14

Nana so glad to find your post-Ive got a little over 3 mos clean now--and Im having breathing issues too--Ive taken breathing tests and they are fine--what are you feeling as far as breathing-Are you short of breath or I mean does it feel like you are?? That's what Im doing-Its like Im not breathing deep enough or something--I even yawn involuntarily every now and then--short yaans almost like a little snort--I have a b-12 deficiency and was blaming it all on that..So it is a mind thing?? How very weird--Can you tell me what you were told?? How long will it last? I swear I have gotten so anxious over it--almost like a panic attack and heart palpitaions--so scared--Im so surprised that it is all in our minds but yet so real--Tell me more please--Im trying to set my mind at ease--I want to start exercising--because Ive put on 7 lbs eating--I feel like im starving too--another mind thing--but the short of breath has kept me from doing much walking or swimming--lol--so funny the brething and starving all in the head--Gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes--Thanks--MmeT

nana14 profile image
nana1415 Month Winner in reply to madametobacco49

My short of breath comes from my chest and I do believe I have found the culprit today. When I first quit smoking about a month or so after, I was diagnosed with asthma. I was put on qvar, but when I saw the pulmonologist in January she switched me to Breo. Well, the first inhaler was a sample from her office. The second was a prescription. Well for about a month my breathing got worse. Come to find out the 30 day supply inhaler of breo wasn't working when I would use it. Today, I filled another script, used it and damn it seems like my lungs finally got air for the first time since I quit smoking. As my pulmonologist told me, most people need a inhaler to help them through the rough times. It's not that your lungs aren't getting enough , it's that they are getting to much and they aren't use to it. Maybe speak to your doctor about Ventolin. Just to get you by in times of need. Good luck....it's been a hell of a few months for me so I know how you feel. Exercising has helped.

madametobacco49 profile image
madametobacco49 in reply to nana14

Hi again Nana--you don't know what a godsend you have been--with this information--So it is getting to much oxygen and lungs not knowing what to do with it?? It is strange indeed because I thought I wasn't getting enough--I consistently have high hemoglobin and thought after I quit smoking it would go down but it hasn't--That way for years--what a ride huh?? I cant believe it still--Its like gradually waking up--and sometimes your mind and/or body don't kno what to do--Honestly I felt so bad between that and being b12 deficient--etc etc--I felt like I was going to die--and I live alone so my mind would just trip out on stuff--I think the worst is over--I hope anyway--I will have to get shots or nasal spray for the b12--but I think I can survive that now--My worst thing was that dam breathin--Id say I cant breathe, I cant breathe--and here I was getting to much--It was like choking on my oxygen-or something.. i do have inhalers but they make my heart speed up--Is this symptom sposed to end?? and what a wise DR--Today I made 3 trips with groceries up 2 flights of stairs--Incredible eh?? That which does not kill us makes us stronger,dont you agree.??...Hugs,MmeT

nana14 profile image
nana1415 Month Winner in reply to madametobacco49

Exactly, but it's ok, you are getting the oxygen you need your body just isn't use to it. Give it tomr. Start some excercise. Start slowly. I started walking 5 minutes slow, then picked up the flow. CONTINUES To Add TIME AND Speed AS YOU Feel fit. I am at 15 minutes at a fast pace. May not seem much but it's better than nothing and my breathing and heart rate can handle it. I'll keep increasing as I see that I can. Good luck.

madametobacco49 profile image
madametobacco49 in reply to nana14

Nana,you aren't afraid even if you feel short of breath? Just do a short time and don't freak out over breath right?? It has scared me so bad Ive barely done anything--lol Thought I was going to stroke out or something cause you just think when you quit you are going to do just the opposite--be able to just breathe like crazy--It is the rhythm of the breathing that is screwed up I think because I can take deep breaths if I consciously try too--I think we are used to shallow unconscious breathing and being short on H2o and our minds haven't caught up with this new way of breathing--It seems so primitive --Im going to start walking in swimming pool Monday ..keep in touch--you added a real important bit of knowledge to something that was really worrying me--Im going to live--thank heavens and thank you-MmeT

shenan profile image

I feel for you and have fingers crossed that you've now made it to day 3? Sorry this has to be rushed, but do let us know that you have?

It was only 3 days ago that I told my adviser that I thought I was going to live after all . . . . .;)

Gowanjesse profile image

Hello all,

Yes I have made it to day three miraculously. It's been rough, I still have a headache and a touch of nausea but all in all I feel better than I have in years. I'm wrestling with age old habits now. Every time I open a window, or walk outside it hits me hard but I just take a deep breath and it eventually passes. Thank you all for the amazing support!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Gowanjesse

Hi Gowanjesse, its lovely to meet you :) and a big warm welcome to our quit support community :) :)

I see you've had some great advice and support from some of our lovely members :) :) Gowan, its not just the nicotine we have to fight, its also the habit side of smoking too :o Try to alter your routine a bit and like you say, you take some deep breaths, cos they work wanders :) plus try to drink plenty of water, cos this will help with the cravings too and to help clear your body of all those toxins :) :)

Have a good look around at the Pinned Posts and the Topics, cos there's loads a info and help on them :) :)

You just make yourself feel at home here, cos we have quite a few members from the States on here :) :) Gowan, you are just doing excellent pal and am dead flippin proud of ya :) :) and I hope your proud of yourself too :) You have got past 2 days now, sooo, all ya need to do is get passed 3 days :) :)

We have a mantra on here - NOPE, Not One Puff Ever :) so you remember that and ya wont go wrong :) :)

Speak soon, Pete :)

Andrew-S profile image

Hi Gowanjesse welcome to the forum and well done day 3. Your body probably in shock from sudden quit stick with it it gets better I know everyone says that but it's true stay strong 😀👀🚭

madametobacco49 profile image

Listen Jesse don't let them symptoms scare you into smoking--you are the master of your own ship--Get mad and tell yourself Im going to do battle and Im going to win--I am no longer going to be a slave and an addict--The little fear factors and discomforts will come and go--but less and less--We are here and all of us have or are going thru what you are or similar--so hang with us-You are bigger than the cig demon so kick butt --We are happy to have you--share,share,share--it all--You will help yourself and others too--That's the circle and it works!!!--welcome--MmeT

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