7 Days: Iv'e reached 7 days with no fags... - Quit Support

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7 Days

Leonardo-clarence profile image
Leonardo-clarence19 Months Winner
11 Replies

Iv'e reached 7 days with no fags!!

Still shocked I got this far.

It is hard and easy at the same time.

Having a GF who is a pain in the ass, is the hard part, no support from her, just nagging and moaning, think she is hoping I will crack, so she can gloat.

But I ain't gonna crack.

Written by
Leonardo-clarence profile image
19 Months Winner
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11 Replies
droopyJ profile image

Mister Clarence it sounds to me like you need to take a leaf out of our Hiro's book and get yourself a new GF..... 😊

Your doing fabulously and don't let anyone ever tell you different 😊

Does your GF smoke??

NgaireM profile image
NgaireM in reply to droopyJ

He hehehe Droopy, my sentiments exactly 😏

(Answer to last question - only when doing burn outs lol) Cleaned up for forum non?

Ngaire xx

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to NgaireM

Ahhh the old ones are the best Ngaire 😄😄

jamie56 profile image

Good results so far! It took me perhaps a year to reach a 7-day strike!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jamie56

Hi Jamie56, lovely to meet you and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community :) :)

May I ask you if you have quit already or thinking about quitting :o cos then I can sort a Winners badge out for you :)

We are here to help you if we can :) :) You just shout out if ya need it pal :) :)

Pete :)

Andrew-S profile image

That's so funny made me laugh, how dare she nag with no fags for 7 days don't crack and don't let her gloat haha

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Leonard-clarence, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community :) :) and I am loooooving your thoughts :) :) and a week off the cigs is just fantastic pal :) :)

OK, your flippin Girl friend is a flippin pain in your ass, I hope ya love her :o and she loves ya too :) :)

Rite Leo, you have got to flippin SHOW your Woman that your very serious about quitting smoking and THIS IS THE WAY YOU WANT IT :) :) if she wants a smoke, then she goes out of the house to do it :) and if she loves ya, she will :) :)

Leo, if you would be so kind as to let me know your quit date, then I can add you to the Wall of Winners and keep your Winners badge upto date :) :)

Hoping ta see ya soon Leo and take care now :) :)

Pete :)

Welcome Leonardo ☀️

Congrats on 1 week👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Huge decision and a hard one especially the first week.... I found the first week so hard... It was should I... Shouldn't I..... Addiction is a pain in the ***

I was really sick in the first month so be prepared for any physical symptoms like headaches, exhaustion, muscle pain, aching teeth, irritability, insomnia , nightmares ..... Sounds like a lot but it will pass...

Not One Puff Ever🚭🚭🚭🚭

I puff = I pack

KatyNewMe profile image

Yaaaaaay made it to 7 days too :)

I agree it is hard but also easy... it's soooo difficult to explain. Had a right load of horrible symptoms but it feels like some kind of endurance test that's half pleasurable. I'll be up for some horrible assault course like tough mudder before I know it :D

Maybe you got to look at the battles with your misses in the same way. She's as much of the endurance test as the no smoking :D

purple24 profile image

Hi Leonardo -Clarence it's so hard when your partner is not so supportive... my partner still smokes in the house, the car you name it he even offers me a smoke!! But if your serious about quitting it won't matter how supportive they are being if anything it has made me stronger and he absolutely stinks to me now it's like kissing an ashtray haha keep with it stay strong and just think your doing something so positive and your health will be on a up! Good luck.

madametobacco49 profile image

Leo,Im curious--who won the gf/smokes or your vow to quit?/ If you didn't make it c/mon back--and try again.. You deserve some respect for trying--you will get that here-Hope to see you--MmeT

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