Hi all hope you've all had a fab smoke free Christmas,I however gave in to the temptation of mr nic over the Christmas holidays,but I'm not going to beat myself up over if as if at first you don't succeed try,try again. My plan is to start 2016 as a non-smoker. Hope you all have a great smoke free new year xxx
Gave in: Hi all hope you've all had a fab smoke... - Quit Support
Gave in

Hiya Lizzie, well done for planning to start the new year as a non smoker and yes you're right about not beating yourself up. Coz what happens in the past we can't change but we can change the future. Wishing you a very happy New Year as a non smoker and a healthier future too. Stay close and we can help you make it happenπx

Hi lizzie,
Good on you for not giving up on being free from nicotine ππ
And - good on you for not beating yourself up about it too ππ
Over the next couple of days, try and look back at what happened that made you have that first one. This will help you in the future ππ
Keep this site nice and closeππ there is lots of evidence that have a support group increases the likelihood of staying smoke free
So glad you had a great Christmas and all the very best for 2016 - your year to shine

Monky will keep your 3 week badge safe and well polished ππππππ it will be waiting for you ββ

Thanks all, I know what went wrong last time I'd put myself under too much pressure & I was so worried about letting everyone down,so when tempted I gave in just to make a stand in a childlike sort of way as everyone around me was telling me not to & that made me want to more,must be the rebellious streak in me,anyhow I've told no one when I'm quitting this time only the people on this site know my plans,as I'm not going to be seeing any of my smoking friends till children are back at school on the 5th & I plan to be on day5/6 by then. Thanks again xx

Do you what you think will work best for you lizzie π
You will get there πππππ

Hi Lizzie, Well done you on having the guts to tell everyone you slipped up.
Not everyone does that. Its not the easiest habit to break , however its one of the most rewarding once you have done it.
Look at Monky, he struggled when he first started to try and quit. Now he is brilliant helping to run quit support. Keep us all informed and good luck for a smokefree 2016.

Aup Lizzie, sorry you've had a bit of a slip gal these things happen eh
but thank you soo much for being honest with us
As I have said allllll along, we are not here to tell you off or judge you in any way or form
we just want to help you to be FREE
I'm loving the fact that you'r not giving in and going to try again although you have a bit of a rebellious streak in you
Hmmm, I see I will have to keep my distance eh
just in case
When your ready Lizzie, we will be waiting and we will try to help you as much as we can
Take care now and good luck
Don't give up. You can do it. And never ever be hard on yourself.
Hi Lizzieπ I keep my reason taped to my head haha ..... Women in my family who smoke have strokes ..... Scares the **** out of me...... You have a good attitude for 2016ππππππ

Hey lizzie it's so easy to slip and we've probably all had attempts that didn't go to plan, I remember once starting to smoke again so I wouldn't eat the 2nd box of Pringles, was just an excuse I know that now. The important bit is getting back on it and you will beat it, you'll see πππππ
Hi Lizzie, I won't tell you how many times I quit - all those hard yards only to go back to square one! The MAIN thing is not to quit quitting! I moaned and grizzled and blamed everyone else BUT I finally made it.
Thanks mainly to this forum I feel, so good luck to you and just know you can do it.
Cheers Ngaire xx

Hi Lizzie and congrats on stumbling but getting up again:
Hi Lizzie, don't worry I tried loads of times. Just keep trying and u will crack it. Good luck πππππΈπ