Hi all, well another good week so come tomorrow I will be 6 weeks free!!
I say 6 because that is when I had my first appointment with the smoking cessation service, I actually had stopped the week before because I lost my job and thought right I can't afford to smoke until I find a new job, sneaky eh.
Anyway I signed up and went to my first session the following week and I have to say the lady I see is so supportive and interested in how I am doing in all aspects of my quit journey, actually look forward to blowing in the monitor because she's so delighted with the readings, lol.
So I have been offered 3 jobs this week and I will be back at work a week tomorrow.....so I can afford the money for a pack of cigarettes....but the price of my new freedom is way beyond a tenner and letting my cessation counselor down would be awful.
So thank you smoking cessation clinic, I will never ever smoke again.