I have never smoked, so I am lucky in that direction! I have read all the messages from those of you who have quitted, and I just want to say that I really congratulate and commend you for your efforts! Well done! Keep strong! Xx
Smoke Free: I have never smoked, so I am lucky... - Quit Support
Smoke Free

Hi ya Debs and thank you soooooo much for posting this lovely message to us
Its very nice for somebody that has never smoked to come and congratulate us on our quits thank you again
I know you've had a bad time of it, as in falling off your horse and I'm send you loads of get well and back to health during 2015 huggs
Please keep posting/commenting on here and we will try to help you get back to yourself again even if its just for a chat, cos I tell you, talking about it helps tremendously
Take care now Debs
Pete xx

Thanks for the comments Debs. There aren`t a lot of non smokers who respond like you have. Its like any addiction ,you have to personally want to stop to be a winner. Happy 2015. xx

Hi Nutkin. Thanks for your nice message. And thanks for saying well done all use that have quit the cigs. Or are just starting to quit. And happy new year. And all the best for 2015 x

Thanks Debs,
It is refreshing to hear a non smoker making positive comments. We have a lot of members who have successfully quit smoking with the support of this quit support group.
I just read your profile - wow!!! you sure have had your own share of tough times since coming of your horse.
Sadly, we can't turn back time, all we can do is make the most of what we have.
It doesn't matter what journey we are on - having support from others makes that journey easier.
Wishing you all the very best in your recovery xx
Thanks everyone! Xx