I quit smoking about a week ago and now I'm terrified I have lung cancer my chest is tight and I'm having trouble breathing as well and have a lot of phloem in my throat I've looked on line and itakes it worse so please advice
Nervous and Scared!: I quit smoking about a... - Quit Support
Nervous and Scared!

Hi Soto, welcome to this lovely quit smoking forum.
Try to calm down, take some nice deep breaths. I'm sorry for saying this Soto, but you have to spit all that horrible phlegm out into a hanky or something, get rid of it.
You've quit for about a week then, a massive big well done to you. There have been quite a few on here with symptoms like yours, but it won't hurt to go and see your gp.
This may put your mind at ease too.
Just wandering Soto, have you quit cold turkey or using some form of nicotine replacement??
Take care now and speak soon.
I just quit and it feels good but I'm worried
Go to your doctor if you are obviously anxious about this. I would say that you will experience changes bit for the better. It is proberbly only you being anxious and your mind racing into negative overdrive that is the issue, that and the fact that giving up is a very difficult thing to have to deal with and this in itself is stressful. Keep calm and just let the Dr check you out.

Hi Soto,
Welcome to Quit support. Congratulations on getting through your first week. We all go through a range of different symptoms when quitting and sadly anxiety appears to be quite a common one. The tightness of the chest and increased phlegm are both probably just as a result of your quitting and your body beginning to heal.
For your own peace of mind, go and see your GP to rule out any medical condition.
Read some of the stories here and you will get some insight to what others have gone through and this will help you along your own journey.
All the very best and keep up the great work
Hi soto, and congratulations! Brilliant to have quit! Best thing you can possibly do for your health, especially those lungs you are worried about.
I hope you are feeling a bit better this morning. I don't know where you are in the world but nights always seem to be worse when you're feeling anxious. Seeing things in the light of day sometimes lessens the anxiety a bit. You are very anxious, and like glolin says and I know from experience, anxiety levels can rise when you quit. Health anxiety can be part of this. The best thing you can do is go to check out your fear of lung cancer, and get that worry sorted out and cleared up, but while you are at it also talk about how anxious you're feeling, and of course, that you've quit smoking. It certainly won't hurt to go, it can only be positive.
Wishing you some peace of mind Stay strong
Just to add, getting some physical exercise can really help, a walk, gym, dancing about or anything you like doing. Work up a sweat and punch it all out
Try to get your mind off the ruminating and worrying by doing something else.

Hi Soto, Please calm down and have a word with your GP. Everyone has given you very good advice already. Your probably suffering with a chest infection. Quitting smoking will be the biggest help. xx

Hiya Soto and welcome to quit support
You have been given excellent advice from our lovely members already, so I wish you well and congratulations on your quit
Hope you feel better soon x

Hi Soto
I quit smoking 2.5 years ago but I can remember feeling anxious and I also had a lot of phlegm which made me think oh no have I left it to late to quit and now I have lung disease! Yes for sure see your Dr if you are really worried but I think your symptoms are perfectly normal for a new quitter. Congratulations for making a really good decision to quit by the way!

Hi Soto
I would go and see your GP. I hope you feel much better soon. Well done for stopping smoking as well
How do you know if you've got lung cancer?
Hi again Soto, i hope your feeling better and your chest is not so tight now
You will have to go and see your GP about that question It's been on the radio, that if you have had a cough for 3 weeks or more then go see your GP.
How are you getting on with your quit Soto, you must be over a week now
Hope to speak soon Pete
Hey Soto,
How you doing?
Your post sounds exactly what my did this time last year, seriously... Like for like.
What your experiencing is your body starting to repair itself. Although you may not think so, as I didn't, its true, and it's a good thing.
It can take some time before you start feeling the benefits, but you will and it's so worth it.
For the anxiety your suffering, speak to your doctor and tell him your feeling anxious. He will help you.
It's all about keeping your mind calm and relaxed. Take some time out, chill, you will get though this.
Stay positive.